Monday 31 August 2015

I am still alive!

Hey there guys! I am really sorry for neglecting my blog. I have had a lot of family drama and I have been moving around a lot. Also my laptop died on me which made my life harder. Good news though is that I just ordered a new laptop to arrive on Wednesday! Yay! I am so excited because it has taken me months to convince my dad to pay for half of it. Yeah now I am broke which means I have to go back to work :( and I really don't want to because since my surgery loads if knew people started working there and a lot of my friends left so I will be the awkward new person who isn't actually knew. That is if they even let me go back seeing as I haven't worked in over a year. Stupid leg. So no interesting drama has happened since like April which I have promised to tell you about one day and I will get there. My only real drama is stuff with my family which is kind of boring and then school drama. 

Speaking of which that is my other news. For anyone reading this who also read my early posts, you would know that last year I failed my exams. Well this year I passed them all! Yay! I officially have an A level in Geography and all I need is to finish Business which will be easy and then Economics which may just take a miracle. So that means I have a very light load of work this year and lots of free periods where I will hopefully be able to do some writing and blogging with my new laptop :) 

For all you UK readers, I hope your results went well! If for some reason they sucked and you want someone who doesn't actually know you but has been through the experience then feel free to comment or email me. (I think my email is around here somewhere.) 

Now I am off to go and get drunk with my best friends because I have had stressful day and I need to relax.

- Random Girl xx

P.S here is my new profile pic thing :)