Sunday 28 August 2016

All the ways I nearly died on holiday

So I realised the other day that I never told you how my holiday went. But then I also realised that it would be pretty boring for you to read. So instead I have decided to tell you all about all the ways I nearly died on my holiday. Okay I am exaggerating a little but here is my list anyway.

1. Hit by Lightning: Me and my cousin went to Universal Studios where there was a huge thunder storm (normal for Florida but not so much for me), Before I knew it the park was flooded to above my ankles and we were completely drenched. Then to add to it all there was lightning hitting the park. The problem was my aunt and uncle was picking us up at this exact moment so we were running through the park, building to building, taking cover from the lightning.

2. Death by Firework: So obviously, it's 4th of July and we went to watch the fireworks by the lake. A family were setting off fireworks right next to us. We were enjoying the view when all of a sudden I hear the guy who was setting it up start swearing and screaming. I spot him running away from the firework. So we all duck as this firework flies towards us instead of the sky like its suppose to. If there hadn't been a wall there for it to crash into then it would have definitely blown up right in my face.

3. Eaten by Dinosaurs: Okay obviously not real dinosaurs but one came of from underwater to "attack" the ride I was on. I only mention this one because my brother and my boyfriend joked about me getting eaten by alligators and this was the closest I got.

4. Plummet to my Death: I love rollercoasters but this one rollercoaster had a ver long, deep drop which is the first time I really freaked out on a roller coater. Screaming louder than I ever have before, I plummeted. Luckily I survived.

5. Drown in Datona Beach: We went to the beach where there were huge waves which we were riding on bodyboards and floaties. One time we flipped over and I kind of started drowning. But don't worry I survived.

6. Dehydration/Sunburn: After nearly drowning, I was completely sunburnt from head to toe. Hurt like hell. Didn't sleep for two weeks afterwards.

7. Starvation: The least interesting one was, I didn't eat for two days. I don't know why.

So there was probably more but that is all I remember. So that was my brief summary of my holiday.

-Random Girl x

Wednesday 24 August 2016

A Level Results and University Confirmations

HEY! So I have been crazy busy. So I am extremely sorry about not posting. So 18th of August is the dreaded day. Basically doomsday for everyone finishing A Levels as it basically determines our future. It tells us if the last two years (or three in my case) of our lives was actually worth anything. I has nightmares the night before for the entire night about everything that could have gone wrong. Not getting the grades I need to get into university or not understanding what my results are.

So the morning of the 18th, I wake up at about 7:30am which is half an hour until the official release of results. So after taking care of business (brushing my teeth etc) I open my school email, my normal email and my UCAS track all next to each other for me to clearly see. And there on UCAS was my confirmation letter from my university announcing I had achieved my results and got in. I couldn't believe it. I didn't even know what I had gotten yet and I knew I was in. I actually made it. My reaction was a mixture of crying in my bed and jumping up and down, screaming at my parents.

For me this was a huge achievement because I am really bad at exams, had two surgeries and got told by a million teachers that they never expected me to be able to get into university. So the odds were against me to say the least. For someone who was predicted three C's, eventually finding out I got three B's felt pretty amazing. The fact that I managed to prove everyone wrong just felt incredible.

I then find out that out of 10,000 people, my best friend and I have ended up in the same flat together. Which is a huge coincidence too.

So yeah its been crazy. Been sorting out accommodation, paying deposits, enrolling online, buying freshers tickets, stalking Facebook for my new flatmates and buying stuff. Still have a lot more to do between now and when I leave on the 16th of August but will try my best to post at least a few times.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog for the last month even though I haven't posted anything. Love you all! Please feel free to comment.

- Lots of Love, Random Girl xxx