Monday 12 March 2018

21st Birthday and Life in General

So another year goes by and I'm just a little but older. A few weeks ago I had my birthday, yes I usually post on my birthday but I was very busy. I went to see Imagine Dragons in Birmingham and I swear to god was one of the best things I have ever witnessed. If your a fan, PLEASE go and see them. I would love to see them again if anyone wants to buy me tickets ;)

Anyway I turned 21 in the car on the way back to my flat singing songs with friends and family. Then had my birthday morning with my parents, brother and my boyfriend which ended up being about my parents telling me to hurry up and me bossing them around telling them I will take as long as I want opening my presents. Then we went to the pub where we met with cousins and family friends for a crazy lunch full of little kids. Okay three but they seemed to outnumber us despite there being like 12 adults. After that by family left and had a lovely lazy evening with my boyfriend watching movies.

So you would think that was it for the celebrations right? haha no. So on the following Thursday, I went out with my boyfriend and work friends. I was excited to introduce my boyfriend to my friends and they were hitting it off until my stupid boyfriend got drunk and threw up in the middle of the club and got kicked out. So not only did we have to leave just after some of my friends arrived but then he threw up all over the side of the taxi and I got charged extra for it. AND he threw up in our bed so I spent the night on the sofa and looking after him. You would think I would be furious for ruining my night but he was so pathetic and apologetic the next day I couldn't be mad at him.

Continuing this, we had a huge snow storm so my friends who were meant to be visiting the next weekend couldn't make it. But we went to this mini golf bar place and then out clubbing where I worked with my other friends and it was great.

And that was where my week long celebrations ended. So what else? Life in general in very unexciting. I go to uni and sit alone at home whilst my boyfriend works all day. Sometimes go out with friends. Sometimes my boss guilts me into actually working.

I feel like my friends are all in a very different stage in life compared to me. I have friends finishing up uni and trying to decide what to do with their lives, friends who are completely unsure uni was the right decision and are looking into something new. But they are all back home and I am the only one who is out at uni full time. I love my life here but I have been a little home sick lately. They are all busy working full time and I am just sat here watching Netflix yet again thinking to myself that I really need a hobby. Does shopping count? Or sleeping?

I feel kind of stuck in my life and even though I have everything I could possibly want, a great flat, an amazing boyfriend who lives with me, going out with friends, a funnish job, a uni course I am interested in... I am still bored. I guess my teenage years were so dramatic that my great life is just kind of dull. I need excitement in my life. The need to do something new or different always crosses my mind. I just wish I knew what was missing...

Sorry if I sound like such a whiner when people have major problems with their lives. I hope you don't hate me. I have genuinely had proper issues that I haven't spoken about on here so I am not oblivious. I just happen to be in a good stage of my life.

-Anyways there you go, just another random post from a random girl x