Sunday 3 January 2016

Random Games

Hey, so over the holidays I was very busy and for some reason I spent most of my time playing computer games. I am such a loser. I know. To be fair I did go to a lot of parties and went out too. I do have a bit of a social life. Plus I had work too. Anyway, for this post I decided to write about three games I played this holidays and what I liked about them or not.

Plants V.S Zombies-

Who hasn't played this game at some point in their lives? It is extremely addicting. I mean who doesn't love killing Zombies by using plants with super powers?

Description- Plants that shoot things defend me from Zombies trying to break into my house and eat my brains.

Why do I like it?- Plants become super heroes and there is a drunk guy called Dave. Need I say more?

What do I not like?- Gets a little boring after a while. Having to wait for suns to grow is irritating.

Civilisation V-

Only discovered this like a week ago and already logged in like 50 hours and I have been very busy. So basically spend all my free time on it.

Description- Build things, make armies and take over the world with your empire.

Why do I like it?- How many games can you first destroy the American empire with arrows and then 5000 years later take over Russia with Atomic bombs. I love hour you start somewhere in 5000 BC with almost nothing and end up taking most of the world with future tech and rocket ships. (Currently in the year 2077 AD)

What do I not like?- Feels a little slow. Gandhi keeps denouncing me which makes me feel sad.

The Sims 4-

So little confession to make. I have all of the Sims games. ALL OF THEM. Everything from the original The Sims to The Sims 4: Get Together expansion pack. I got kind of obsessed since I was like 9 years old. So half my life. Haven't played it that much lately but I still play it every so often when I find that I have too much free time in my life and my social life is non-existent.

Description- A game where you control peoples lives. So their relationships, families, careers, house and so on.

Why do I like it?- It is basically an excuse to make the life you wish you could have or live any life over and over through something as simple as a game. More entertaining when your own life gets boring which is basically when I play it.

What do I not like?- Gets boring after a while when you realise that your own life is more important and you are wasting it on a game.

So there you have it. Who else has played any of these games and what did you think of them?

- Random Girl xxx

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