Saturday 16 January 2016

First Boyfriend

So last night was a pretty eventful night for me. I may have mentioned a few times on and off about a guy from work. He got into a car crash and broke his collar bone. I texted him basically telling him he was an idiot for rolling his car, whilst also checking to see if he is okay. We basically never stopped talking since then. We text, call and Skype everyday whilst he was stuck at home in pain. Then when he was finally a bit better, we met up at the pub where we both work last night. We basically talked, drank and then kissed, before basically asking me to be his girlfriend. Obviously I said yes. Sorry I am not very good at talking about this stuff. He then went on to tell everyone at work so most people know already. It was kind of sweet though that we had our first kiss, first date and got together in the same place we met. Kind of sucks that we work there though.

For someone who has never been in a relationship before, this whole thing is still weird to me. I'm happy though. The timing sucks though. Next month I have mocks, then a few months after I have my actual exams and then i'm leaving. Going travelling before University. I think we both know it will end in a few months. I just hope it will be easier to accept when the time comes.

So there is a little update on my love life. Any advice?

- Random Girl xxx

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