Monday 21 September 2015

New Blog!

Hey guys! So big news! I have made another blog just for my fiction stories for those of you without Wattpad! Hopefully it will be updated more often than this one because instead of waiting around for interesting things to happen in my life to write about, I can make it up whenever I want. So please check it out by clicking on the link.

Love you all!

-Random Girl xx

Friday 18 September 2015

Starting School with a Bang!

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a little while but for once I have a pretty legit reason which is what the post is about.

So as most of you know, I just started my last ever year of school (for real this time) and going back was pretty much the same as every year except that I was hanging out with my friends in the year below me (now my year) and a lot of people that I went to school with in the past 5 years were no longer walking down the halls. It was fine though. Not as hard as I was expecting to go to school whilst a lot of my friends are off at uni. I mean, of course I am a little jealous that they get to go and start off their lives now but I know mine will start soon. Only a 8 months to go!

Anyway, as I was saying I have been hanging out with different people to usual but are fast becoming good friends of mine. Now don't be thinking that my excuse for not posting is cause I started school, cause it's not. That would be a pretty poor reason. No the reason I haven't posted is because I haven't really been able to write because I got injured in a car accident on Monday.

Now, before you freak out (if you care at all), no one was hurt. Well except for spraining my right wrist and possibly a broken finger or two. So what happened? It was a pretty usual day, and me and two of my newer guy friends were going out for lunch. Of course I would say yes because I didn't exactly have a huge supply of friends this year. So I get into my friend Ben's car and we are all leaving school. Now a thing you need to know about my school is that it is on top of a big hill, and the entrance is a very twisty road that otherwise resembles a snake. Which is also why we refer to it as "The Snake". So as usual in England, it had been raining all day and the roads were a little bit slippery. As we turn around the bend, the car skids and instead of going forward down the road after the turn, it slips sideways down a grassy hill. When I say hill, it is more like a 10ft vertical drop. Did I also mention that we flipped over and the car landed on it's side.

So yeah, not just a little bump against a wall. You probably thought we were screaming or thinking that we were going to die, but it wasn't anything like that for any of us. It was more like, oh god how much trouble are we in? Because the accident was still on school grounds so I was more worried about the aftermath than dying. Also, in case you were wondering, I didn't notice any pain in my hand at this point. Once it was established that the three of us were fine, we all burst out laughing, not really understanding how the hell the accident happened. And to make things worse, Ben was more worried about going through the process of when you normally turn off you car and putting on the hand break. Yeah Ben, it is a little late for that. Meanwhile, our other friend Richard who was sat on the front passenger seat, in front of me, was acting like this was completely normal and that we were meant to be randomly sitting in a car that was on it's side.

Apparently a teacher saw the whole thing and she went to get help, because our friend Tash who was driving behind us when it happened, didn't bother to get help for us and went straight home, only to text hours later asking if we were okay. We couldn't move for a while cause if we attempted to get out, the car would roll over again. So we waiting for the school maintenance guys to hold up the car as the boys climbed out of the driver's window whilst I waited for them to open the boot, so I could climb out of it from the back seat. Then some lady who none of us recognised who worked for the school made us go into her car and drive us up to the main office to wait. We didn't really understand why. As far as I knew we were all fine. I just figured that the maintenance guys could help flip the car back over and that Ben could drive home (as he had a free period that afternoon) as Richard and I go to our economics lesson. But instead we get told by some person that the police, the fire brigade and the ambulance were on its way. And then it kind of hit me again. Oh god what what have we done? I was now also worried because even though we were allowed to leave school for lunch. we have to get permission from parents to get in someones car and to sign out. And none of us had done any of those things. It kind of shows how stupid the school can be if I was more worried about me getting into trouble than I was about myself after being in a pretty serious accident.

The police and the fireman arrive to look at the car and talk to Ben (and breathalise him even though he had been at school all day.) and all that stuff, and an officer took me and Richard into a room to question us about what happened. It is really bad that I was more worried about trying not to laugh than anything he was saying? He asked us if we needed to get checkout out by the ambulance but we said we were all fine.

Not much happened after that. All our friends, and basically the whole school, found out about what had happened and Ben had become some sort of legend for falling off "The Snake". I called my mum before the school did so she wouldn't freak out and we basically spent the afternoon hungry for missing lunch and telling everyone what happened. It wasn't until class when my teacher made me write loads that I realised how much pain my hand was in. So I went to the school nurse who basically ordered me to go to the hospital after school. Mum took me and it was pretty uneventful. As I said earlier it was just a sprained wrist and a possibly broken finger which is taped up right now. So a broken pinky being the only injure between the three of us was pretty lucky. It could have been a whole lot worse.

But what really got to me was what has happened in the last three days. Two typed os emails were sent out. One to the parents of every student, explaining what had happened, and another to every staff member apparently saying the same thing except it had our names in it. And a lot of staff members were more concerned about telling us off for not signing out than for our wellbeing. Then yesterday I hear that the operations manager tells off Ben and saying that there is nothing dangerous about the road and it is just his inexperience as a driver. Can I please mention that the snake is almost only used by students making them all 'inexperienced' at driving? So if that was the reason of the accident then surely they need to improve the safety of the road to stop this from happening again. Yes Ben is a new driver but so is the other 40 or so who drive up and down it at least twice a day in all weather conditions.

So now I am pretty mad. I want to stop this from happening again, because yeah we are all fine but we could have been seriously injured or killed. And someone else could have too. The school managed to keep the whole thing from getting out to the public and basically pretend that nothing happened except for when they want to yell at us for breaking a stupid rule that wouldn't have prevented anything from happening. We would have just got permission and signed out and gone out anyway. And we still would have got in that car accident. I am not saying the school is entirely to blame. But neither is Ben. So they are putting all the blame on him and keeping their hands clean and not doing anything.

Is this just my school? Do all schools care only about their reputations and not care about things like this that could potentially be dangerous for someone else? Despite the fact that many people have said it almost happened to them a few times. they won't do anything. Or maybe they can't be bothered. And even if they don't change anything, that is okay. But stop blaming the students for everything when it isn't entirely their fault.

This post is kind of long but at least I am making it up to you for the lack of posts recently. Please let me know what you think.

-Random Girl xx

Wednesday 2 September 2015

Back to School

Hey! Twice in one week, shocking I know. But I finally got my new laptop which makes it that more possible to post again. So as you can tell by the title the topic of today's post is the most popular of any teenager, school. Tomorrow school starts again. But this isn't any first day of school. No, it is my last ever first day of school! I hope. It was meant to be last year but I am determined to finish this year. Anyway, to mark the occasion I am making a list of my top five things I hate and love about school.

Things I love about school-

1) Everyone's favourite probably, is seeing your friends. Because when we are finished, when will we ever get the chance to see your friends five out of seven days a week ever again?

2) Getting out of the house. Because let's face it. If I didn't have school everyday I would probably spend my days glued to my laptop on my bed whilst watching TV. Oh wait I am doing that now! But not for long.

3) Learning. Sometimes learning can actually be fun and interesting. I mean sure there are things like maths which sucks (not that have maths lessons anymore) but there are interesting topics about history or geography. About things that are going on in the world. Or even finding out something basic that you never knew before.

4) The gym and pool. Our school has a new building which is actually pretty cool and the facilities are great. Plus you know, you get access for free!

5) Access to town. My school is like a three minute walk to the hughstreet which is highly convenient for well.. pretty much everything.

Things I hate about school-

1) Assembly and Chapel has to be the worst. Because why do I want to spend hours in my week sitting around listening (or pretending to) to teachers yapping on about a bunch of crap.

2) Homework. No need to explain that one.

3) Exams suck. I mean we spend about fourteen (well only eight for me) in school and it all comes down to a couple of exams which determines whether or not your life is going to rock or suck.

4) sitting in long classes when they are boring as hell.

5) One thing you can always count on is sucky food. I mean, really? Most the time I skip lunch anyway.

So there you have my lists of what we have to expect this school year. Good luck to all of you!

-Random Girl xx