Sunday 31 December 2017

Happy New Years! Goodbye 2017

Dear people of the internet, I write to you at the end of the year, drinking, as usual. So two years ago I made predictions for the year and then last year I wrote about how my year actually went. I didn't really prepare anything for this year so I will just tell you about my year.

January, I was at home (parents house) for the christmas holidays, had my one year anniversary with my boyfriend, and thats about it. Then February was my 20th, my boyfriend went to come visit me at uni and I ate a lot of cake. March I was finishing up my assignments and had my accounting exam (which I got an A in after revising three hours), before heading home early and finishing my assignments there. April was working at my local pub once again, becoming the coffee queen and celebrating easter! May through to September I continued working full time and then moved in with my boyfriend back at uni. October was spent buying furniture, visiting my friend in Edinburgh, working at my new job in a club and dressing up for halloween. November was assignments :( sad times. And lastly December was spent finishing the semester, doing an exam, christmas back at home and tonight going out with the girls and having raspberry vodka slushies.

So overall, a very uneventful year other than moving in with my boyfriend. So what about 2018? Well I have no idea what I am gonna do. Finish 2nd year and start 3rd. Work at the club and maybe somewhere else. Love my boyfriend. But what about more unpredictable things? Hoping to get a summer internship. I hope to travel somewhere new as I haven't been anywhere in well over a year. uh... be happy? Thats about it really.

Sorry for the very uninteresting post.

Happy New Year Everyone!

- Random Girl xx