Friday 29 January 2016

Blog's first birthday!

Hey everyone! I am posting this from my phone as I fall asleep cause I nearly forgot what today is. For those of you who don't know, which I guess is everyone, I have had this blog for one year today! So much has happened in the past year and have most of the eventful times recorded on here. I am thrilled that I can say I managed to stick to blogging for a year. Though there were times I was a little neglectful. I just want to say thank you for everyone who has been reading my blog. 

Here's to another year of blogging!

-Random Girl xxxx

P.S this was accidentally posted on the wrong blog. So it was actually a few days ago. 

Sunday 24 January 2016

Learning about Relationships

Hey everyone. So here is a little update on my life. Well I guess the main thing going on right now is being in a relationship for the first time in my life. Yeah, nearly 19 is a bit late but oh well. So my boyfriend asked me this week why I haven't been in a relationship before. And I guess it comes down to a lot of reasons. I was always a bit of a commitment phobe. I didn't like the idea of being attached to one person. And no its not so I can get with whoever I want whenever I want. It's the other stuff. In my mind relationships equal effort. Effort that I either couldn't be bothered with or didn't have time for. Yeah that makes me pretty lazy but thats just me. My life has always had a lot going on. I have moved, I have had lots of family drama, friend drama, boy drama, school drama, health drama and well... life drama I guess. I never had time to focus on a relationship when I have so much always going on. I thought it would always be too difficult to concentrate on being with someone.

What I didn't expect was for it to be as easy as it is. I thought I wouldn't want to constantly text, call and meet up. But that is just what happens naturally. It is easy to be with him, because he is easy to talk to. He makes me comfortable. Happy. It feels very normal. The timing probably couldn't be worse but despite all that it works. I am busy but I make time for him when I can. And we both know that we have some sort of deadline when I leave in a few months which sucks. We are aware of it but tend to joke it off. Not really talking about it. But to be fair we have only been together for just over a week. It's months away so it isn't something to worry about too much yet. We might even break up before then.

So here are some things I have had to get used to in the last week.

1. I am not allowed to flirt with other people. For a natural flirt it is kind of hard. Not that I want to or anything. It kind of just happens so I need to stop.

2. I actually have a social life now. We regularly meet up, get food. Hang out. So I am no longer spending all my time in my room on my computer.

3. I don't have to feel guilty every time I get with him. I may have not been in a relationship before but I'm not a nun. I have kissed people. But Im pretty much always drunk, and it's always a one night thing, making me feel guilty. But now I just feel happy. Happy that I have no reason to feel guilty.

4. I always have someone to talk to. About basically anything. Someone who actually cares. Sure I have friends but this is nicer somehow. More meaningful.

5. Relationships change over time. There are stages. The was the jokey flirty stage. The not knowing where it was going stage. The just getting together and telling everyone stage. And I guess now it feels more real. The actually being together, knowing each other a lot better. Just being able to talk and laugh about anything together. And I can already tell that each day gets a little more serious and feelings develop a little more each day.

So there you go. A little bit of an update.

-Random Girl xxx

Saturday 16 January 2016

First Boyfriend

So last night was a pretty eventful night for me. I may have mentioned a few times on and off about a guy from work. He got into a car crash and broke his collar bone. I texted him basically telling him he was an idiot for rolling his car, whilst also checking to see if he is okay. We basically never stopped talking since then. We text, call and Skype everyday whilst he was stuck at home in pain. Then when he was finally a bit better, we met up at the pub where we both work last night. We basically talked, drank and then kissed, before basically asking me to be his girlfriend. Obviously I said yes. Sorry I am not very good at talking about this stuff. He then went on to tell everyone at work so most people know already. It was kind of sweet though that we had our first kiss, first date and got together in the same place we met. Kind of sucks that we work there though.

For someone who has never been in a relationship before, this whole thing is still weird to me. I'm happy though. The timing sucks though. Next month I have mocks, then a few months after I have my actual exams and then i'm leaving. Going travelling before University. I think we both know it will end in a few months. I just hope it will be easier to accept when the time comes.

So there is a little update on my love life. Any advice?

- Random Girl xxx

Monday 11 January 2016


Oh my god, I am way to excited. Just found out I got offered a place at every university I applied to! I mean sure some of them aren't exactly hard to get into but for me this is huge! It is slowly starting to get more real that I am actually going somewhere in 8 months. It will be a whole new life. And now I have five options as to where I want to go. Now I am at the stage where I am going to have to worry about student loans, and accommodation. And reply to all of them. It is getting scarier and scarier as I go through each step but also just as exciting too. But sometimes I worry about how I am going to cope away from home, when there will be people I am leaving behind. My family. We have always been extremely close, and I almost think it will be harder for my mum than for me to see me go. Yet I can't wait. Well I say that, and part of it is true. But another thing that is changing is that the closer I get to my future, the more attached I am becoming to things at home. The people, my job, even the school. (It's a miracle, I know). It just makes it that much harder for me when I have to leave. But at least it will always be here for me to come back to.

- Random Girl xxx

Saturday 9 January 2016

A Random Work Day

Hey, so I have decided to tell you how my shift at work usually goes. I work at the local pub as a waitress and it can sometimes be a little... strange. I will basically describe how my shift at work today went. Well, first I went in at about 11:30 am which I hate, because I am completely and utterly useless in the morning. I am pretty sure I spent the first two hours walking around and drinking water. Plus pretending to clean stuff. I then found a poster full of kiddie animal stickers which were named after some of the staff members. Then we spent the rest of the morning trying to stop the ceiling from leaking, and put a bunch of containers all over the floor because it was practically raining inside.

Then a lot of the shift was spent talking about this guy from work who idiotically crashed his car, But what they don't know is that I have spoken to him non-stop since. Even skyped a few times. Before the crash we flirted a bit but we weren't really that close. So when they talked about him I didn't really know what to say cause they don't know that I talk to him. So I just chose not to comment, whilst sneakily texting him throughout the shift about what people have said about him. Even fitted in a short Skype call during my break ;) At least until we got caught by one of the chefs who looked at us really weirdly.

It was a little slow, so nothing very dramatic. The boys made weird bird noises and asked all the girls if they will have their babies. We met a local celebrity who is meant to be very famous but I didn't have a clue who he was when I served him.

So that was pretty much it for today. It rained indoors, met a celebrity and avoided the boys craziness.

Wish me luck for tomorrow!

- Random Girl xxx

Friday 8 January 2016

The Kingdom of Boredom

You know that saying, "time flies when you are having fun"? Well, time has been going dead slow the last few days. It's funny because since September, life was flying by very quickly and before I knew it, a term had gone. And now each minute ticks by painfully slow. What feels like fifteen minutes is usually about two. I have been back at school for two days but I don't think thats the reason. It seems like I am always counting down the time lately. I'm either waiting for a TV show to start, a lesson to end, that one person to reply to my message. So I try to keep busy so time will move faster but that seems to be failing. I feel like I am stuck in some never ending slow motion life, when all I want to do is fast forward time a little bit. I guess being alone hasn't helped my boredom. My friends all went back to uni this week, and I have distanced myself from the ones I made at school. Why I did that? I don't really know but I don't really regret it. But that is a story for another time.

So I am pathetic and alone on a Friday night with nothing to do. And I am annoyed at myself for not planning something. I have work in the morning so I wouldn't have been able to go out anyway, but it still sucks. Even my family are busy. My parents are out and my brother is chatting to his friends on his playstation. Wow, life really is pathetic when your brother has a more active social life than you do.

Anyway, there you have it. My boring, sucky thoughts. Anyone else feeling like this right now?

- A very bored Random Girl xxx

P.S if you are a regular reader, please comment every so often. Would be great to get some feedback! :)

Thursday 7 January 2016

Arrow Review Season 1-3

*Warning: Contains Spoilers

So I started watching this over the Christmas holidays because my brother kept going on about it for years, telling me to watch it. Honestly, I thought it would be some sort of normal boy action tv series that I wouldn't be interested in seeing. Of course I am a girl, so I am more interested in drama with a bit of sideline romance. But I was pleasantly surprised when I started watching it. Actually thats an understatement. I have binge watched the first three seasons within two weeks, and that was with my busy work schedule and holiday events. 

For those of you who haven't heard of Arrow, here is a description I found on IMDB.

Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.

There is a lot more depth to the story than your classic super hero which intrigued me. He had been tortured, learnt new skills he never thought he would need, and escaped death numerous of times over the five years. All things that changed who is was as a person. And bit my bit though flashbacks we uncover layers of him as they show his past. Of course, there is also a bit of defeating the bad guys in the present. But there was also not only Oliver adapting from "coming back from the dead", but his family and friends too. And they all had a past and change they went through in the past five years too. His mother got involved with the bad guys, his sister got caught up in drugs, his best friend fell in love with his ex-girlfriend and she herself had to deal with the death of her sister, the split of her parents and her dad's alcohol problem.

There was romance too. First Oliver had to accept his ex-girlfriend was in love with his best friend. Then he fell in love with a women who he accidentally turned into a bad guy, only after revenge for the death of her fiancé by killing her father. Then after the death of his best friend, he attempted to get back with his ex, Laurel, but they felt too guilty. Then there was a women who nearly died. So he wasn't very lucky in love. But then right in front of him all this time was his accomplice, IT Tech Geek, Felicity Smoak. Who he finally realised his love for, when it was almost too late. There was also a romance between Oliver's sister, Thea and this guy Roy, who the Arrow/Oliver saves. He then ends up helping Oliver defeat the bad guys and is in a relationship with Thea.

So basically even all the sideline characters have drama. And real problems, not something stupid like, "this boy doesn't like me back", or "oh,  I cheated on someone." They have deep emotional problems, dealing with loss of friends and family, substance abuse and lose of identity.

I think Arrow is almost more about the deep stuff than a guy dressed in a hood, running around, shooting bad guys with arrows. And for any girls who still aren't persuaded to watch, Oliver is freaking hot too. That is a good enough reason alone to watch. (Many shirtless scenes.)

So that is my rough review of Arrow. If you haven't already, please watch. You will get hooked.

- Random Girl xx

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Just My Luck

Hey everyone! Look! I have actually been posting stuff lately! So today I am going to talk about crushes. You see, I am a strange person. I don't really get crushes or feelings. Like ever. I am the kind of person who if on holiday, I may see a particular guy I find attractive and keep and eye out for or something but never beyond that. And it takes me forever to realise I am into a person. Then, a few days after my sudden realisation, I get bored of them and move on.

But this time it is slightly different. So I met this guy. And I have no idea what my feelings are, and if I really even have any at all. But I think I like him as more than a friend. And that doesn't mean I want to be in a relationship with him but at least friends is nice. Sure, we flirt a lot but I am one of those natural flirts who sorts of does that with everyone without realising. But for once, whatever I am feeling hasn't gone away. In fact the more we talk the worse it gets.

And then with my luck, guess what happens next. He gets into a freaking car accident. Similar to the one I was in a few months ago, but a little bit more serious. He broke his collar bone and now we won't see each other for weeks. On the bright side, we talk on Facebook now ;)

So anyway, there is a little insight to how my feelings work. Anyone else like this?

- A very confused Random Girl xxx

Monday 4 January 2016

Uni Offers!

I am so excited! Just found out that I got an offer from my favourite university! Well there and another one. So I have three out of five offers so far. Pretty good for a girl who sucks at school. Step one has been a success. Next Step, Pass my exams! Now that will be more of a challenge, but now I at least have something to work towards. So wish me luck everyone!

- A very excited Random Girl xxx

Sunday 3 January 2016

Random Games

Hey, so over the holidays I was very busy and for some reason I spent most of my time playing computer games. I am such a loser. I know. To be fair I did go to a lot of parties and went out too. I do have a bit of a social life. Plus I had work too. Anyway, for this post I decided to write about three games I played this holidays and what I liked about them or not.

Plants V.S Zombies-

Who hasn't played this game at some point in their lives? It is extremely addicting. I mean who doesn't love killing Zombies by using plants with super powers?

Description- Plants that shoot things defend me from Zombies trying to break into my house and eat my brains.

Why do I like it?- Plants become super heroes and there is a drunk guy called Dave. Need I say more?

What do I not like?- Gets a little boring after a while. Having to wait for suns to grow is irritating.

Civilisation V-

Only discovered this like a week ago and already logged in like 50 hours and I have been very busy. So basically spend all my free time on it.

Description- Build things, make armies and take over the world with your empire.

Why do I like it?- How many games can you first destroy the American empire with arrows and then 5000 years later take over Russia with Atomic bombs. I love hour you start somewhere in 5000 BC with almost nothing and end up taking most of the world with future tech and rocket ships. (Currently in the year 2077 AD)

What do I not like?- Feels a little slow. Gandhi keeps denouncing me which makes me feel sad.

The Sims 4-

So little confession to make. I have all of the Sims games. ALL OF THEM. Everything from the original The Sims to The Sims 4: Get Together expansion pack. I got kind of obsessed since I was like 9 years old. So half my life. Haven't played it that much lately but I still play it every so often when I find that I have too much free time in my life and my social life is non-existent.

Description- A game where you control peoples lives. So their relationships, families, careers, house and so on.

Why do I like it?- It is basically an excuse to make the life you wish you could have or live any life over and over through something as simple as a game. More entertaining when your own life gets boring which is basically when I play it.

What do I not like?- Gets boring after a while when you realise that your own life is more important and you are wasting it on a game.

So there you have it. Who else has played any of these games and what did you think of them?

- Random Girl xxx

Saturday 2 January 2016


Reached 1000 views today! May not be a huge amount but it is amazing for me! Thanks for reading and sorry I am so pathetic at updating.

-Random Girl xxx

Welcome to 2016!

Oh look, I am back. Again, sorry for being life. But writing something eventually is what counts, right? As everyone knows, the new year has begun. And it is the best time to think about all the crappy and amazing things that happened in the past year and what is to come for the new year.

For my 2015, I started out depressed and bored. Fed up of being in pain from my surgery and not being able to go out anywhere, missing parties that all my friends were having. Instead I was stuck at home, basically begging anyone, to spend time with me. I was grumpy and whiny all the time so obviously my family had a good reason to keep away. And then of course, I started this blog by the end of January. Finally having someone to talk to, even if I didn't have someone talking to me, I could express my feelings to them. Then my year gradually improved, I had a great time with my friends, an awesome summer, passed all my exams, I could even walk, almost like a normal person. Then it kind of went down hill a little. My friends all left me behind to go to university, leaving me with the year below. A bunch of people I barely knew. And then it got better, I made some friends, went to parties, survived a car crash (don't know if that is considered good or bad) and so on. Life was pretty normal. Then the stupid drunken text incident happened. (Read about it in one of my posts if you want to know more.) We have all been there. Sending that one person a meaningless text that gets misread and then spread everywhere until before you know it everyone in the school hates you. Or at least that is what happened to me. And except for the occasional joke here and there, that has finally calmed down too. Then approaching the end of the year I begun to fight with my parents quite a bit. It is a long story that involves mum hating my best friends mum and not wanting me to hang out with my best friend anymore. Of course, I refused. But you don't need to know the whole story. (I mean if you want to I will tell you another time, just comment to let me know.)  But that is better now. I went back to work. Finally. Met some great people, I am actually starting to really like work now. But that is probably because of a particular person if you know what I mean. *Insert winky face here*. Then of course, who doesn't love christmas and then the big finale. New Years Eve! And I had an amazing start to the new year. *Insert wink face here. Again.* And even made some new friends.

So yes, a very rollercoastery year. At least my lateness in posting was consistent! So what happens next year for 2016? Let's make a prediction. I am gonna write one thing for each month of what I think will happen, and this time next year I will go over that list and see how accurate my prediction skills are.

January- Boy Drama. Not sure of what kind. Friendship or other, but I reckon boys are gonna be stressing me out a lot this month.

February- Of course there is my 19th Birthday. But that isn't a prediction of course. And there is mock exams. Again, I already know that. Hopefully, I will have passed my driving test by then? Maybe. And hopefully pass my exams.

March- Something new will happen. A new hobby, a new friend, maybe even a relationship (though I doubt it.) Something will change, even if only temporarily.

April- Hopefully by then it will be sunny. Maybe I will start running? Haha. Yeah, right. I can always dream though. Right?

May- Exam time! One of two things will happen. I will either be way to stressed or way to calm. I am going to go with calm as my prediction. Stress will probably come in later.

June- Finishing off exams. Will be bittersweet. I will be excited to be done with school, but I know I will feel sad about leaving. I am quite a sentimental person. So a lot of goodbyes.

July- If I do manage to raise the money I need then I should be somewhere in the U.S by then. Yes, American readers, I am invading your country. You have been warned! And Canada too! Let's not forget about you guys. (If I have any Canadian readers, of course).

August- This will be the end of my travelling. I will probably be very stressed about exam results and getting into University. Then I will be busy preparing to leave and sad about leaving my parents. Probably involves a whole lot of crying.

September- University! And what comes with starting uni? FRESHERS WEEK! So basically I will be drunk most the time. Making friends and maybe a few who are more than that. You get me?

October- Homesickness. Maybe some sort of other drama in the mix. Boy drama. Friend drama. Family drama. Something along those lines.

November- Christmas is approaching! Lots of lights, got chocolates. Maybe someone, to cuddle up with to keep warm. Then again, probably not. That doesn't sound like me. But I could be a whole different person by then.

December- The end of the year. Of course there is the holidays. Will probably be working at the local pub. Just happy to see my old friends. So basically, happy. And who doesn't love the extra Christmas and New Years parties?

And there you have it. Last year and this one rolled into one. Hopefully, I will be a better blogger, but that probably isn't realistic. I hope you all have an amazing year. Also, making this list was quite funny for me, so maybe you should try it. Write it down somewhere and look at it next year and see how close you were.

- Random Girl xxxx