Saturday 29 October 2016

Just My Luck Follow Up

So I recently found out my highest viewed post other than my first one was Just My Luck. Reading it I found it kind of hilarious. It was about having a slight crush on someone and having very low expectations of what was going to happen. I definitely didn't expect that we would end up completely in love with each other and even planning to move in together in September. So I thought for anyone who read it and wanted an update, I would write this post. Here is the original:

Hey everyone! Look! I have actually been posting stuff lately! So today I am going to talk about crushes. You see, I am a strange person. I don't really get crushes or feelings. Like ever. I am the kind of person who if on holiday, I may see a particular guy I find attractive and keep and eye out for or something but never beyond that. And it takes me forever to realise I am into a person. Then, a few days after my sudden realisation, I get bored of them and move on.

But this time it is slightly different. So I met this guy. And I have no idea what my feelings are, and if I really even have any at all. But I think I like him as more than a friend. And that doesn't mean I want to be in a relationship with him but at least friends is nice. Sure, we flirt a lot but I am one of those natural flirts who sorts of does that with everyone without realising. But for once, whatever I am feeling hasn't gone away. In fact the more we talk the worse it gets.

And then with my luck, guess what happens next. He gets into a freaking car accident. Similar to the one I was in a few months ago, but a little bit more serious. He broke his collar bone and now we won't see each other for weeks. On the bright side, we talk on Facebook now ;)

So anyway, there is a little insight to how my feelings work. Anyone else like this?

- A very confused Random Girl xxx

I find it hard to believe that I didn't have this amazing guy in my life before. Someone who I can be completely myself with and tell anything to. When I was having the shittiest time he suddenly came into my life and turned it around. He better not ever read this, though it is possible as he found out how to find it when I told him about my blog 8 months into our relationship. If you are reading this love you, you idiot. 

- Lots of love, a loved up Random Girl xx

Friday 28 October 2016

University Week 5 (first month)

Hey everyone! So uni has been interesting to say the least. Most of it good and some of it bad. So for those of you who haven't been at uni, this what the first few weeks are like. Or at least for me.

When I first arrived, I found it really easy. There is just some sort of confidence in knowing that everyone is exactly like you,  not knowing anyone. It's easy to just go up to people and start talking because you know they don't really have anyone else to talk to anyway. The first night I just went out with my flatmates and got to know them. Then one day I decided to randomly explore my accommodation and try and meet people, convincing the rest of my flatmates to come with. That's when we met the flat directly below us and we have all been friends since. Our two flats plus a few extras now get together regularly for pres or to hang out.

So finding friends where I live was easy. What I didn't expect to be difficult was finding course friends. I have two of my flatmates with me for my business half but when it comes to the media half I haven't really met anyone I like. By the time actual lectures started everyone already had their friends and that confidence was gone. It became a lot harder to talk to people and when you did there was no expectation of being friends. I still hope that I might make some eventually.

What else should I mention? The work?
Well that has been pretty damn boring. I either don't understand it at all or I already know it. Lectures have because pointless thanks to the Internet and having all the information on the Internet. It's especially hard when you have lectures from 9am to 7pm an hour away from where you live every Monday. I usually pick one or two things to go to.
Readings and assignments have been okay so far. Even without turning up to the lectures. However that doesn't stop the whole new kind of dread for Mondays.

Because of my horrific Monday's I have the rest of the week free except two hours on Thursday mornings. So that's a plus. What do I do in all this time? Well there always seems to be something to do. Laundry, cleaning the bathroom, the bedroom, the kitchen, uni work, shopping for food, cooking three meals a day, talking to flatmates, skyping old friends, visits or visiting my boyfriend, or going to London like I am right now :) Oh and let's not forget Netflix. There is always something to do or somewhere to be. Uni is busy.

So that's my first month of uni. Anyone else have stories to share or questions to ask?

-Random Girl x

Friday 30 September 2016

University Week 0 (aka Freshers)

Hey everyone! So I am very sorry that I haven't posted. Yes again. But I have a good excuse this time, I promise. I finally made it to uni! I moved up here, spent two days unpacking, and then had a week of induction talks and going out.

So lets start of with my flatmates because you need to have a rough idea of who they are if I talk about them in future posts. First I met David. He is the only boy in our flat, and an Irish cricket plater. He was really nice and helpful when moving in because he helped bring all my stuff up three flights of stairs. Then there is Kat. Who has happened to be my friend for six years. It was a complete coincidence to be in the same flat together. Then there is Liv who is really nice, even though she forced me to go ice skating with her and I injured my shoulder. But at least she took me to A&E. And last is Anabelle who is the girliest in our flat. To be honest she spends more time downstairs than with us but she's cool. Just leaves behind a trail of mess every so often.

There isn't much more to say other than going out and meeting people. But will keep you updated. Or I will at least try.

Hope all the freshers out there are having a good time!

-Random Girl x

Sunday 28 August 2016

All the ways I nearly died on holiday

So I realised the other day that I never told you how my holiday went. But then I also realised that it would be pretty boring for you to read. So instead I have decided to tell you all about all the ways I nearly died on my holiday. Okay I am exaggerating a little but here is my list anyway.

1. Hit by Lightning: Me and my cousin went to Universal Studios where there was a huge thunder storm (normal for Florida but not so much for me), Before I knew it the park was flooded to above my ankles and we were completely drenched. Then to add to it all there was lightning hitting the park. The problem was my aunt and uncle was picking us up at this exact moment so we were running through the park, building to building, taking cover from the lightning.

2. Death by Firework: So obviously, it's 4th of July and we went to watch the fireworks by the lake. A family were setting off fireworks right next to us. We were enjoying the view when all of a sudden I hear the guy who was setting it up start swearing and screaming. I spot him running away from the firework. So we all duck as this firework flies towards us instead of the sky like its suppose to. If there hadn't been a wall there for it to crash into then it would have definitely blown up right in my face.

3. Eaten by Dinosaurs: Okay obviously not real dinosaurs but one came of from underwater to "attack" the ride I was on. I only mention this one because my brother and my boyfriend joked about me getting eaten by alligators and this was the closest I got.

4. Plummet to my Death: I love rollercoasters but this one rollercoaster had a ver long, deep drop which is the first time I really freaked out on a roller coater. Screaming louder than I ever have before, I plummeted. Luckily I survived.

5. Drown in Datona Beach: We went to the beach where there were huge waves which we were riding on bodyboards and floaties. One time we flipped over and I kind of started drowning. But don't worry I survived.

6. Dehydration/Sunburn: After nearly drowning, I was completely sunburnt from head to toe. Hurt like hell. Didn't sleep for two weeks afterwards.

7. Starvation: The least interesting one was, I didn't eat for two days. I don't know why.

So there was probably more but that is all I remember. So that was my brief summary of my holiday.

-Random Girl x

Wednesday 24 August 2016

A Level Results and University Confirmations

HEY! So I have been crazy busy. So I am extremely sorry about not posting. So 18th of August is the dreaded day. Basically doomsday for everyone finishing A Levels as it basically determines our future. It tells us if the last two years (or three in my case) of our lives was actually worth anything. I has nightmares the night before for the entire night about everything that could have gone wrong. Not getting the grades I need to get into university or not understanding what my results are.

So the morning of the 18th, I wake up at about 7:30am which is half an hour until the official release of results. So after taking care of business (brushing my teeth etc) I open my school email, my normal email and my UCAS track all next to each other for me to clearly see. And there on UCAS was my confirmation letter from my university announcing I had achieved my results and got in. I couldn't believe it. I didn't even know what I had gotten yet and I knew I was in. I actually made it. My reaction was a mixture of crying in my bed and jumping up and down, screaming at my parents.

For me this was a huge achievement because I am really bad at exams, had two surgeries and got told by a million teachers that they never expected me to be able to get into university. So the odds were against me to say the least. For someone who was predicted three C's, eventually finding out I got three B's felt pretty amazing. The fact that I managed to prove everyone wrong just felt incredible.

I then find out that out of 10,000 people, my best friend and I have ended up in the same flat together. Which is a huge coincidence too.

So yeah its been crazy. Been sorting out accommodation, paying deposits, enrolling online, buying freshers tickets, stalking Facebook for my new flatmates and buying stuff. Still have a lot more to do between now and when I leave on the 16th of August but will try my best to post at least a few times.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog for the last month even though I haven't posted anything. Love you all! Please feel free to comment.

- Lots of Love, Random Girl xxx

Sunday 26 June 2016

Plans for Summer

SUMMER IS COMING! If Game of Thrones started the show with that line then maybe it would be slightly less depressing. Gotta love it though. Anyway, going off topic. So this summer is very exciting because it is the last summer I have before going to university. How will I spend it? Going travelling of course! I am going to be heading to Toronto, Canada first for three days to stay with family. Then heading to Orlando, Florida to meet my little cousin (who is fifteen) where we will also be staying with family. And of course going to Universal Studios! Can't wait. I love theme parks so much. And the hot sunny weather will be amazing too. Which is why I have been torturing myself running to be bikini ready :) Then we are headed to Tampa, Orlando where we will learn how to ride horses. Then Washington D.C to go on a shopping trip and site seeing. Then I am leaving my cousin who will go back home to Colombia and I will be going back to Toronto for a week. And after a month of travelling I will return home.

So need to buy a suitcase, book the rest of my plane tickets, buy books, movies, music have an amazing time! But be far away from my boyfriend :( well good thing I have Skype! 

-Random Girl xx

Friday 24 June 2016

UK Breaks up with the EU. Big Mistake?

So my country is completely and utterly stupid. What the hell is wrong with people? People chose to leave because they were stuck up and selfish not wanting to follow "EU" rules. Do they even realise that now we have to follow their laws but without any control over decisions being made? For years! So we have even less control that we did before. The value of the pound has dropped, making our money worth nothing anywhere else. Which is really stupid as we have a trade deficit which means we import more than we export. My friends who work in foreign businesses will lose their jobs as the businesses leave the UK. And some of my very good friends who are practically family are from other countries in the EU. What will happen to them? If it was up to the younger people in the country this wouldn't be happening. And we are the ones who are going to live with this in the long term. I mean how hard is it going to be to get a job now? It is just a bunch of older people who were too selfish to think about future generations.

Anyway thats my little rant over. What do you guys think?

-Random Girl xx

Finished School

Hey everyone!!! Guess what!?! Exams are finally freaking over! I am freeeeeeeeee. Okay sorry a bit over excited. It hasnt really hit me yet that school is officially over. I had all the special ceremonies, presentations, end of year pranks etc. Today I handed in all the textbooks that have been piling up in my bedroom for the past three years. I gave my teachers cards and presents and said goodbye to a few. And then I took my last (and toughest) exam. I kind of feel like I was missing something. Because all that happened is that I walked out, went into my mums car and went home. That's it. I have spent pretty much all my free time revising so now that I have free time and nothing to revise? Well I am bored. It has only been a few hours and I have been bored constantly. Luckily my best friend is saving me because we are going out tonight. But she is taking forever to get here for pre drinks so I am blogging and pre drinking on my own. A bit sad, I know but I can't really afford many drinks whilst out so I need to drink more now so I can buy less drinks whilst out. Good thing my brothers prom was yesterday because there is a lot of free leftover alcohol for me to drink :)

-Random Girl xx

Sunday 5 June 2016

Shitty Mood

So I am kind of in a shitty mood. And I don't know why but I have felt like this every evening for the past week. My boyfriend is always at work in the evenings, my friends are away, busy or I can't get to them (because I can't drive), my parents are out every single night and my brother just hides in his room ignoring me. So basically I spend every night alone and it sucks. Either no one wants to spend time with me or they are too busy. But either way the outcome is the same. I'm alone. Not just alone but lonely. I don't always have someone to talk to hence why I am writing about it instead. Because for some reason it always makes me feel better to get it out onto words. Even if I don't get comments or responses. Because that was never what my blog was about. It was about writing how I feel. For me.

Lately life feels a bit like an emotional rollercoaster. I am either extremely happy and in a good mood or I am miserable and feel close to crying. I have had some amazing times lately, like being in love for the first time, making new friends and finally finishing school. And there have also been some not so great times, constantly arguing with my parents, my mum basically acting like i'm a stranger, refusing to let me grow up, having a shitty boss at work, being close to failing one of my exams which I only barely need to pass to get into university and a few medical issues which I don't really feel like talking about. Though those issues may be why I feel so weird lately because I was told I would get mood swings for a few weeks. And no I am not pregnant if that is what you are thinking.

It is hard to distract myself when I am alone when I know I need to revise. Because lets face it. Revision is boring so people's minds drift a lot which is the whole reason I stopped to blog instead. I was so distracted by my thoughts that I started writing something completely different than I was meant to so I gave up. For now.

So what was I distracted by? Well my idiot boyfriend basically dragged me off the sofa and I ended up hurting my whole side because I landed on hard wooden floor which hard objects beneath me and a 24 year old on top of me. Not to mention it was the side where I have a lot of previous injuries. So now my whole side hurts and aches. And because I have a stupid built up tolerance to pain meds I have to take this ridiculously strong one which is only a step down from the ones you get given after surgeries. And my body is still hurting because they take ages to work. Anyway the reason my mind keeps drifting off afterwards was because he was starting to act like a bit of a dick to me afterwards like I was the one who did something wrong. He just said he was tired and annoyed that he had to go to work but something felt off. Plus I was annoyed at him for causing me to be in pain when I need to revise and he didn't seem to even care he hurt me. Coming from the guy who always looks so sad when I'm a clutz who accidentally hurt herself or if he accidentally steps on me or something. It is just weird because we didn't even argue or anything but we have never fought before. And I don't know why I am so annoyed at him.

Then of course when you start thinking about one shitty thing when alone your mind wonders to other things. Mostly I then thought about how he left me to go to work. And then my parents decided to go out. Again. So it was another night alone. I am just so fed up of having no one to spend time with and always being alone to cook myself dinner, find myself something to do and then going to bed alone yet again. This has been going on for ages now but this week has been particularly bad. I can't remember the last family dinner I had, or a night out with friends, or a dinner date. It is just me and my idiot cat who keeps sitting on all my text books.

So anyway, that is my random rambling rant.

- Random Girl xx

Friday 3 June 2016

End of School Update

Hi. Sorry it has been so long. Life has been busy. Same excuse as usual. School is finishing up which meant a lot of events and exams going on. So what have you missed?

Well I am not sure when the last time I posted was but here is a few key things. I had my last day of school ever. Everyone dresses up in school uniform which are tight and uncomfortable as they haven't been worn in two years. We wreck havoc at the school, bringing in 7 tonnes of sand with us. Why? Well if we can't go to the beach then why not bring the beach to us? Though our paddling pools don't quite beat the ocean. But its okay, we brought water guns to cool us off. Also filled out teachers office with balloons filled with glitter, post noted the windows, stole out teacher's shoes to invent a treasure hunt for her etc. This was followed by a presentation of our life at sixth form. Of course, I wasn't mentioned. Because why would I be? I'm basically a nobody. I went from being someone well known and friends with not only the nerds but also with the popular crowd, to a year where no one knew or cared who I was. Then there was a long boring ceremony thing which is kind of like a graduation only much lamer. I mean why don't we get a cap and gown like on TV? Or a diploma type thing. No we just get a boring speech about what we have learnt over the last few years.

So other than this, I have been mostly revising for exams. Sad, I know. Good news is that in three weeks its over. Bad news is that it means I actually have to take these last few exams soon. The hard ones which basically determine my future forever. Or at least for the next few years.

On a happier note, I did get to go out one night with two of my best friends who I hadn't seen since Christmas. They got to meet my boyfriend and I got to meet one of their boyfriends. So the two couples and the two thirds wheels all went out to surprise another one of my best friends for her birthday. She had no idea we are coming. Sounds like a great night, right? Well I still enjoyed it despite my friend taking cocaine, another friend getting harassed by these two guys, and my boyfriend nearly getting into a fight. Twice. So we gave up before things got worse and left early to end the night eating nachos. What better way to end the night than with your drunken best friends eating cheesy goodness.

So now what? Well I am leaving soon to go travelling for a month. I'm a little sad to leave my boyfriend but I am getting more excited about it now. I keep forgetting its actually happening because there has been so many other things to focus on before that happens. I had a nightmare last night though about it. I dreamt that I forgot important things and something went wrong with the flight. I always have weird dreams about all the possible things that could go wrong before something big happens. Like start of exams, first day of school, driving tests, holidays etc. So I am not really worried about the dream because nothing usually ever goes wrong.

Today I am kind of in a bad mood though. I was really happy and excited when I woke up. Was going to have a break from revision and see my best friend and then my boyfriend. Then they both cancelled and despite it being a really nice day I have no one to spend it with so I don't see the point in even getting dressed. (Don't worry I still showered.) It just made me realise I don't have any friends here at the moment. I couldn't think of anyone to meet up with because they are either busy revising or away at uni or somewhere. I can't wait for them to all come home. Because right now I am alone an it sucks. The only reason why I remembered to blog today was because I have no one to talk to so I decided to talk to strangers instead.

One last thing. Thank you to everyone who has been reading my blog whilst I haven't been posting. Normally I come back to 0 views for weeks but I have had people reading it every day which is pretty much a miracle to me. As summer approaches I will hopefully be able to post more about my summer and my trip.

So there is a little update for you all :)

-Random Girl xx

Thursday 5 May 2016

Family Flaws

Does anyone else find that their parents are acting weirder and weirder the closer you get to going away to university? Is it normal? My parents are just putting a ridiculous amount of pressure on me to work hard. It doesn't matter than I spend about six hours or more a day revising and that I am getting A's for the first time ever in nearly everything. They say I apparently do nothing but watch tv and go out when I spend all my time actually revising. It just seems like no matter what I do they are never proud of me. They just point out everything that I have done wrong instead of congratulate me on what I have done well in. 

I had a huge argument with my mum yesterday and she has basically constantly attacked me ever since. But for months she has just been tougher on me and making me more and more depressed. I am just always sad and in a bad mood. If it wasn't for the fact that I don't want to completely lose my relationship with my parents (and that they are paying for some of my uni next year because my loan doesn't cover it all) then I would have probably moved out by now. 

It seems dramatic but they just make me so unhappy. And it is sad to think that I would be happier without them. All they do is make me cry when I am already stressed enough as it is with exams starting in just over a week. How is it fair that I have to be sad when I work so hard? And that it is my own family that is causing it.

I thought it was just these last few months that they have changed. Or even that I have changed. But I am slowly realising things as I look back at my life. Just about how naive I was. I come from a well off enough family, gone to private schools, lived on a boat and I'm even a little bit spoilt. It sounds good on paper right? Or in this case your screen. But having all that stuff doesn't make you happy. Life is about so much more than that.

I realised today that the last happy memories I have with my dad was from when I was about seven. I am nineteen and still live with him. It shouldn't be this long. But he is always working. Mum says that he is just doing it to provide for us and give us what we have. But I would take him being happy and smiling, spending time with me over a bunch of fancy crap any day. It is almost like he is a completely different person. 

Then there is my mum. Who I was always so grateful for looking after me when I was sick. But that kind of blinded me from what she is like as a person. She uses everything she has done for me as a way to guilt me into doing stuff for her. She constantly orders me around, controls what I do. Basically my life worked around hers so she could do what she wants and I had to make it work for her. I think that might be why she is so mad at me now. Because for the first time in my life I am living my life the way I want to. Not the way she wants. She believes she is always right and that there is a double standard about everything. When I go out she says we need to spend time as a family, when I ask to do something together, every single time she tells me she is busy or going out. It is basically her way or.. well her way.

I think I am just becoming more miserable as days go past because I am realising that what I thought was a pretty good family is basically broken. None of us are truly happy with our lives. We don't spend time together. We pay attention to more superficial stuff than what really matters. And that sucks.

So I promise myself today, it doesn't matter if I have a fancy house, send kids to private school, have all the latest stuff. As long as I have a family I love, and who loves me. As long as I go out and see the world for what it is. As long as I do what I want with my life. I will be happy. And I will never let myself become as miserable as my parents.

-Random Girl xx

Wednesday 27 April 2016

Ten Things to Look Forward to at University

So I have been thinking a lot about the future lately. Not super far, just the next few years. And I am excited but a little sad too. So if you read this blog regularly you will know that I should be going to university in a few months. And yes I have thought a lot about having the freedom to do what I want, go out when I want and be far from home. But there are lots of little simple things that I have only just realised that has made me really excited about going. Here is a little list-

  1. I can wear whatever the hell I want! I am way to excited about this one. After having to wear school uniform for years and then sixth form clothes, I am thrilled to be allowed to wear jeans and a T-shirt every day. Hmmm... may need to buy more clothes. Shopping trip anyone?
  2. Go out whenever I want to. No long lectures from mum or curfews.
  3. Eat whatever I want. I get to choose what I fancy everyday. However, I may just end up forgetting to eat. Whoops.
  4. Buying duvet covers and cutlery. Will be cool to have new bedding and have my own cutlery. 
  5. Living in a new place. After living in the countryside for the last six years, living in the city will be different. Especially without my family.
  6. Making new friends. I actually can't wait to meet new people in halls and have a bunch of new friends around all the time. This year all my friends are far away so having some close will be nice.
  7. Living walking distance from my best friend. We have been living hours away from each other for the last two years and now we can see each other whenever I want.
  8. New Stationary! because who doesn't love the smell of fresh paper and new coloured pens.
  9. New subject to study. I am actually looking forward to learning new things. Especially because its mostly coursework based and not exams. God I hate exams.
  10. Making new memories. Yes, I can be cheesy too.
So there you have it. My list of things I look forward to doing in September. Will probably have a post coming up about my plans for summer soon.

-Random Girl xx

Sunday 24 April 2016

What is Sci-Fi?

So this is a very random topic. But then again, random is what I am all about. So why am I talking about Sci-Fi? Well that would be because, as some of you know, I write stories on Wattpad. Less than I used to because my time is now being taken up by dreaded exams, fussy parents with high expectations and an amazing boyfriend who helps me forget about the former two. Anyway, me and a very good friend have been talking about co-writing a book for ages. And now we are finally brainstorming ideas. Though we probably won't write until the start of summer. We both want to write something completely different to our normal teen fiction high school stories. So we decided to write a Sci-fi story. But then I asked her. What is Sci-fi? Like I have a rough idea through books, movies and TV shows but what actually counts as a Sci-fi story? My friend responds with anything that is set in space. But I decided to do some research and find out some more info.

Obviously I know Sci-fi stands for Science Fiction. But really what is scientific about aliens? Because as far as I know. We haven't discovered anything alien yet. By the way if you are wondering if I believe in aliens, then yeah I guess I kind of do. Not weird green creatures with big black eyes flying around in a frisbee shaped UFO, but I just can't believe that there isn't some sort of life that exists somewhere other than this planet. Okay, now I have gone off topic. Again. 

Science Fiction is defined as a genre of speculative fiction dealing with imaginative concepts such as futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel, faster than life travel, parallel universes and extraterrestrial life. So I guess it is a lot more than just aliens. After further research I found out it is called "Science" fiction because they are stories that are intended to have a science-based fact or theory connected to it. But I think they have gone a little off the science topic with some of these.

Then I found out there are a bunch of subgenres related to Sci-Fi too. 

  • There is Cyberpunk. Apparently is emerged in the early 1980s. Combining cybernetics with punk. How the hell that works? I dunno. I never even heard pf the word cybernetics let alone understand what it means. I also don't really understand where the punk part comes in. I think it has to do with technology and AI's (artificial intelligence). 
  • Time travel is probably one of the most popular ones. There is obviously Doctor Who and Back to the Future. Two very different but amazing classics. I don't really need to explain the concept of what this is to you, but I definitely recommend you watch Back to the Future if you haven't already.
  • Alternate History. I would have thought this goes under the time travel subgenre but apparently this is more specific than that. This is only based on going back to the past to change the events of the future.
  • Military science fiction is another subgenre which I didn't know was a thing. I kind of just pictured the military when I read the title but its not just about national conflict but can be interplanetary or interstellar conflict too. So basically space war? I think thats a better title.
  • Superhuman, I would say is the most popular and well known subgenre. It is defines as stories that deal with the emergence of humans who have abilities beyond the norm. So basically superheroes? 
  • Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic. Now that just sounds extremely depressing. This is when there is a concern with the end of civilisation through war, pandemic, astronomic impact, ecological disaster or some other disaster. This is kind of split into two topics. Apocalyptic is about the disaster and the immediate aftermath and Post-apocalyptic is basically just the aftermath ranging from the event to hundreds of years after.
  • Space Opera. Is it bad that I just think of Phantom of the Opera when I read that? It is actually apparently adventure science fiction set mainly or entirely in outer space or on multiple planets. So the most popular movie (or movies) that fit under this category is Star Wars. Need I say more?
  • Space Western. Okay, I can not be the only one who pictured a classic cowboy riding a horse in space. Just me? Whoops. Guess I really am weird. I don't really understand this subgenre so here is a copy and pasted explanation from wikipedia-The space Western transposes themes of American Western books and films to a backdrop of futuristic space frontiers. These stories typically involve colony worlds that have only recently been terraformed and/or settled serving as stand-ins for the backdrop of lawlessness and economic expansion that were predominant in the American west. Do you get it? Cause if you do could you please comment and explain it to me?
  • Social science fiction focuses on themes of society and human nature. That was kind of vague.
  • Climate Fiction is to do with climate change. Bg surprise. Usually set in either the present or the future, but sometimes the past.
  • Maritime science fiction (okay these names are unoriginal) is basically about the ocean. There is maritime technoligy and sea monsters involved too. This is starting to seem less and less like science fiction to me. Anyone agree?
  • Biopunk is the last one. Okay thats a lie. There is more than that but they are tiny subgenres and I can't be bothered to read about them because it is late and I'm tired. This is to do with change of the human body and engineering humans for specific purposes. Cloning, cyborgs? I don't really know what counts.
So that is basically it. All the stuff that goes into Sci-Fi. I guess it covers a lot more than just spaceships and aliens. Good to know. Only problem now is trying to decide which sub topic to write about is going to take me FOREVER. Oh well. Good thing I have a lot of time before I actually start writing. Was this useful to anyone? If not at least it helped me.

-Random Girl xxx

Tuesday 12 April 2016

Things Working Themselves Out

I'm not really sure where to start with this post. To be honest I am not really sure what it is about yet. So I will just write down whatever comes to mind. Today has been a good day. Maybe even an amazing day. What happened to the crazy stressed girl from a few days ago who was an emotional mess? Well I took a break. I feel slightly guilty than I spend time relaxing and having fun instead of doing work. But actually, I think I benefited more from having a rest than I would have from the extra hours of revision. I have been working myself to the ground lately. There was just too much going on all the time and it was exhausting. There is still too much going on but now I feel calmer and a little bit more prepared for the next lot of crazy to occur. I think I was too busy trying to control everything around me, that I forgot one of the things I always tell myself. Kind of like a mantra. Things work themselves out in the end. Sure not always the way you want it to. But a lot of the time you just have to let life take its course and accept what it is given to you rather than control everything.

Three days ago, I was emotional and stressed, dealing with summer trip plans, work, revision, my boyfriend, student finance and my mum. I wanted to fix all my problems at once. Instead, I stopped all of them. Just for a day. I slept. Watched TV. Had a nap. And by the time I woke up, one of those things had been sorted. My flights were booked. My relationship with my mum (which has been very strained these last few months) was slowly repairing itself, and I had an amazing evening with my boyfriend. Sure, I still need to revise which I spent the last four hours doing. And I need to sort out student finance. But there is just the slightest weight of my shoulders which makes all the difference. I already feel more relaxed and happier than I have for weeks.

I have been too busy thinking about all the things that need to be done by the end of the school year, that I forgot about all the amazing things I have to look forward to. Going travelling, spending the summer with my old friends (and hopefully my boyfriend if we are still together then), spending time with my family (probably on the boat) and then going off to university with my best friend. I need to have something to focus on that makes me happy. A goal rather than worrying about how I get there. I need to trust myself that I can do it all as long as I am happy along the way. Because what is the point if i'm living a miserable life.

Anyway there is my random rant. If anyone has been going through anything similar (which is probably likely if you are finishing off school this year too.) then feel free to comment with your experiences. Or don't. Up to you.

-Random Girl xxx

Friday 8 April 2016

Not Enough Time..

Hello internet people! So work has taken over my life!!! I hate it. It is all I do, all I think about, all I talk about, even all I dream about. I don't know how people do this full time. I mean I get doing a job you love or is part of your career, but full time waitressing sucks. (At least for me. Please don't be offended if you do this full time, it is just my opinion.) My bosses suck. I have barely seen my boyfriend these past few days. Yesterday I finished at five and he started at six. And then today I am working from 2 until close (around 11) and he was meant to come in at five to join me. You know what my bosses did? Changed his shift so he was sent to another pub to fill in for someone for the day. And then tomorrow he is working and I'm free and then Sunday I am working and he is free. Life sucks. It's not just about not spending enough time with him though. One of the assistant managers is really getting on my nerves. And I live in a touristy area which is full of snobbish rich tourists during the holidays who come to the pub I work at and make my life a living hell. They are so specific about everything they want and complain if they are not the top priority. They think we are all beneath them and look down at us as if we were their slaves. I just want them to go back to their mansions and boss around their own slaves instead of substituting them for us. 

The other bane in my life is school. Exams are coming and that means revision. What an evil word. So when I'm not running around like a lost sheep, slaving away at snobbish tourists, I have my head stuck in a text book. And then my family complain I don't spend enough time with them and I complain I don't spend enough time with my boyfriend. Basically I don't have enough time to work, revise, spend time with family or my boyfriend. There just isn't time. And I can feel myself getting exhausted juggling it all. 

Life sucks.

-Random Girl xx

Thursday 31 March 2016


So it's 4 am and I am wide awake. Why? Well I'm not really sure. Maybe it has to do with the fact that my whole body hurts from carrying massive trays for hours from the last two days at work. Every muscle in my body hurts. I also keep having nightmares about too many glasses to clean, missing cutlery and food orders going wrong. Clearly work has been too stressful or I have been there too much because it's even taken over my dreams. Which sucks cause I hate work. Not the concept of work. Just my job. Lately the managers have been really shitty and either micro managing us or completely leaving us alone. I don't really mind being left alone (though that means one less much needed person isn't doing any work) but the newbies need them to order them around and explain what to do. So guess what happens? I have to help give them small jobs and explain how it's done. But I always feel bad doing it cause I feel like I'm bossing them around to much when I don't have the right to. But the problem is no one else is helping them and if no one does they just stand there doing nothing when there is way to much to do. 

So the managers hate me and the newbies probably will soon. Though I hope not. Even though they are four years younger than me, they are still nice and sweet to talk to. Especially when us older works corrupt their poor innocent minds when we talk about drugs or how to relate a banana to a... Well you get the point.

The only bright side to work (other than the money of course) is that I have my boyfriend and my best friend working there with me. Or should I say suffering there with me. Work would suck much more without them. But seriously what are the managers doing? They have way too many staff on rainy days and too little staff on sunny days (like today where I took almost all the good out on my own. Ad let me tell you that is 300 people or more for the amount of hours I was there. 

Now that I have had my random middle of the night rant about work, maybe I can finally get some peace and sleep. Because my friends are coming over tomorrow who I haven't seen in months because they have been away at uni.

Goodnight (or morning or afternoon depending on when you are reading this).

-Random Girl xxxx

Saturday 19 March 2016

Emotional Support

So if you are reading this and have read some of my other posts you might know that I recently got into a relationship for the first time in my life. Not a petty little year 9 relationship but a serious one. Sure 18 (now 19) was a bit late but oh well. Anyway back to the point. So I'm still new to a lot of things when it comes to being part of a couple and having a boyfriend. And in the last 24 hours I learnt a few new things that I thought I would share with you.

Last night I was just chilling at home with my boyfriend when mum comes home, ordering me around. I was already annoyed at her for being very controlling about my life so I stood up to her (for once). This led to a long argument that you don't really need to know the details (for now). So whilst I was arguing in the kitchen with mum I left my boyfriend in the sitting room. After arguing I basically broke down in front of him which was very embarrassing for me because he has never seen me cry. Not many people have. I was worried about what he would think of me. That I was pathetic. But instead he just spent the whole time holding me and comforting me. Just trying to make jokes to make me laugh. We had recently been saying "I love you" but it was the first time I actually knew for sure that I loved him. Hear I am a crying mess with a lot of family problems and he just tells me that he is annoyed because I still look cute when I'm crying and that he loves me. It was just such a strange concept for me to have that kind of level of support from someone when I was arguing with someone I was so close to. I said I was sorry he had to be there to witness my drama and he said he was glad that he was there so he could hold me and cheer me up.

Anyway, today he was working (at the same pub I do) and came back to mine briefly as it is practically next door to work. He was very mad because he has an awful day where the customers were rude and our boss was being a dick. And I just didn't know what to do other than listen to him rant about his day. And it sucked. I wanted to do more. To cheer him up. Make him feel happy. It was so strange to feel bad because he felt bad.  I felt awful that he had to go home (because it was late and he needed food and sleep) before I could do anything to make him feel better. I wanted to be there for him and didn't know how. It's not just a bad day at work. It has been a recurring thing and he isn't really sure what he is doing job wise right now.

I guess what I'm trying to say is emotionally supporting someone is one of the most amazing parts of being in a relationship. As cheesy as it sounds, being there for the bad parts is what matters. But it also sucks when you need to be there for someone and don't know how. 

-Random Girl xxx

Friday 18 March 2016

A Busy Random Girl

Hey everyone! Sorry its been a little while. But really, did anyone actually believe my good streak was going to last that long? To be fair, life has never been more busy. I have had university applications to deal with, my parents have been harassing me a lot, I had a whole lot of mock exams, went out with my friends a few times and obviously spent time with the boyfriend. So yeah, extremely busy. Mocks are over and Easter is quickly approaching. It is going to suck cause I am busy with work and revision for my actual exams, but I am also very excited to have all my uni friends come home! Yay.

Life has been really depressing and boring other than my love life. School is hard, my bosses are being dickheads and most my friends are either hours away or out of the country. But at least I have someone to cheer me up when I get stressed out. The next three months are going to be tough. And the worst part is that I want to cherish the last few months I have at home before I leave for university but i'm too busy to notice.

So there is a little update on how my life is a little overloaded. Will try and write a proper post soon, but no promises!

-Random Girl xx

Thursday 25 February 2016

19th Birthday

So today is my birthday in case you couldn't tell from the title. And once again, just like last year, I write this whilst a little bit drunk. So hows it going so far? well its different. Mum has missed it for the first time ever. So there are missing touches like decorations and i have to actually plan it myself this year. As usual there is mocks on which suck. Had a three hour exam today and one tomorrow which I already know I won't revise for. Dad ends up being on the phone and an hour late to pick me and my brother up and my usual lift is busy with his friends. So what do I do? get my boyfriend to come and rescue me and go drinking in my favourite restaurant as I wait. Problem is my brother is underage so I have to order a cocktail and a chocolate milkshake at the bar. A bit awkward but oh well. So yeah my birthday is definitely different than my usual one. It is also my last one at home before I go to uni and my last year of being a teenager. Not sure what I am going to do with the title once I hit twenty. Oh and my phone died so I am awkwardly drinking with my brother in a restaurant whilst on my laptop. I think the alcohol has hit me already. Thats shit. When did I become a lightweight? instead of planning out what I am going to write I am literally typing what words come to mind which is a little weird. And I'm sure I won't check this before I post so sorry about errors and stuff. But I am so brain dead after my exam that I just don't care anymore. At least I have a lot to look forward to. Not doing anything major as I have an exam tomorrow but getting all my closest friends, family and neighbours over. My first party that has people of all ages which is interesting. Is it weird that I have more teenage boys over than girls? Anyway, gotta go. Sorry about my drunk rambling.

- Random Girl xxxx

Sunday 14 February 2016

In Love?

So what exactly is love? I'm never been in love so I have no idea. But I think I'm falling in love. Is that ridiculous? To think that you could be in love with someone after only going out a few weeks. I mean we planned on breaking up in a few months when I go to uni. But I think deep down that I can't go through with it. But don't know what that means though. I don't think it will stop me from leaving but I don't think I can end the relationship either. I'm at the point where I think he will have to do it. And I have a feeling that he will struggle to. So what the hell are we meant to do? I feel like I would be an idiot for not leaving because of him. But when we aren't together I miss him all the time. He is the first one I think about when I go to bed and the last when I go to sleep. And it couldn't be worse timing. This is the moment when I should be free and single to travel and start university but I just can't help it. He used to ask me quite often why I haven't been in a relationship before. And I guess I haven't ever met the right person. But now that I have it just makes it that much harder to end things. But then again maybe I am just being naive. Maybe we haven't been together enough to find any faults in each other. Because so far everything that people would consider annoying I just find funny. It's just the little things I love about him that make me question whether I might already be falling for him. So maybe I'm not in love with him yet but I definitely don't think it will be long. And it is completely out of my control. 

-Random Girl xxx

Thursday 4 February 2016

The Awkward Teenage Years

So as you guys can probably guess by my blog title that I am a teenager. But what does that mean exactly? I mean sure it is the age when you have teen at the end. But it is also an age category that is somewhere between a child and an adult. It is the age where we change the most in our lives. Not just physically but emotionally and personality wise to. And it is a hard time for everyone. There is the awkward stage at the beginning where you try to act grown up but really you are just a child. Which means the few extra years you have left to enjoy being a kid, you are too busy pretending to be cool. But then a few years later, you regret it when you think back. Then there is the whole awkward stage where you change physically and you try to hide some parts from everyone to keep yourself from getting embarrassed and show off other stuff. It is a very nerve wrecking time for a lot of teenagers. You are at the awkward in between stage of childhood and adulthood.

Then there is the point when peer pressure kicks in. You want to go to parties, drink, smoke, hook up with people. And most the time its not even because you want to but because that is what is considered normal. Because that is what everyone is doing. You get pressured into trying these things when you rather be somewhere eating ice cream and watching random movies. But then eventually, the more you try these things the more you do begin to enjoy them. Some of them at least. And no there is nothing wrong with that. But i'm pretty sure most people's parents are not happy with it and have some say in what you do and don't do.

And then there is the last stage. My stage. Right at the end of your teens. When you here the word teenager, you still tend to think of them/us as kids. Just bigger. But still relying on parents to buy you things and tell you what to do. When you are eighteen you are legally considered an adult. And the law allows you to basically do what you want. But still being stuck in the 'teen category' prevents you from doing that. We are meant to be learning to be independent and get on with our life. Go to university. But it can be difficult when you are still seen as a child.

Why am I talking about this? Well because I have had to conversations today that have made me question how I am meant to be treated. As a child, or an adult? The first conversation was with my mum. About sex. Yes, an awkward topic. But anyway, I kept feeling like she was trying to prevent me from having sex. But surely at the end of the day, it is my decision to do it. It isn't in her control. And it took a while for me to get through to her that only I will know when I am ready and she can't stop me. Well not just can't. She shouldn't feel the need to. I mean its a normal thing. It isn't like I'm planning on breaking the law. And the second conversation I had today was more of an argument than a conversation. With my dad. Just the usual family dinner that gets ruined in a matter of seconds. Where I start talking and my dad starts yelling and interrupting me for no reason. And I tell him to stop interrupting and to listen to what I am trying to say, and he gets even more mad. He will then tell me that he doesn't want me speaking to him that way. What a hypocrite, right? He was being disrespectful of me but because i'm the daughter. The 'teenager'. I am apparently automatically in the wrong. Just because I am young doesn't mean I don't know whats right and wrong. Which is something both my parents didn't seem to understand. I try to do my best to be independent, work to pay for my own things. Make my own decisions. But no matter what I do, it won't change the fact that I am just a 'teenager'.

I guess what I am trying to say, is that people treat all teenagers the same. Because we are supposedly in the same category. But really people couldn't be more wrong. There are many very different important stages in our lives during our teenage years and we should be treated differently according to those stages. Being a thirteen year old playing grown up isn't the same as a sixteen year old trying new things, which isn't the same as an eighteen year old who is trying to be independent but is still being seen as that thirteen year old playing grown up. Well I'm not playing anymore. And I think people need to see that. Sure, I am still young and I will probably make mistakes. But they are now mine to make and learn from. Not something a parent can fix. I might be a teenager but I am also an adult.

-Random Girl xxx

Friday 29 January 2016

Blog's first birthday!

Hey everyone! I am posting this from my phone as I fall asleep cause I nearly forgot what today is. For those of you who don't know, which I guess is everyone, I have had this blog for one year today! So much has happened in the past year and have most of the eventful times recorded on here. I am thrilled that I can say I managed to stick to blogging for a year. Though there were times I was a little neglectful. I just want to say thank you for everyone who has been reading my blog. 

Here's to another year of blogging!

-Random Girl xxxx

P.S this was accidentally posted on the wrong blog. So it was actually a few days ago. 

Sunday 24 January 2016

Learning about Relationships

Hey everyone. So here is a little update on my life. Well I guess the main thing going on right now is being in a relationship for the first time in my life. Yeah, nearly 19 is a bit late but oh well. So my boyfriend asked me this week why I haven't been in a relationship before. And I guess it comes down to a lot of reasons. I was always a bit of a commitment phobe. I didn't like the idea of being attached to one person. And no its not so I can get with whoever I want whenever I want. It's the other stuff. In my mind relationships equal effort. Effort that I either couldn't be bothered with or didn't have time for. Yeah that makes me pretty lazy but thats just me. My life has always had a lot going on. I have moved, I have had lots of family drama, friend drama, boy drama, school drama, health drama and well... life drama I guess. I never had time to focus on a relationship when I have so much always going on. I thought it would always be too difficult to concentrate on being with someone.

What I didn't expect was for it to be as easy as it is. I thought I wouldn't want to constantly text, call and meet up. But that is just what happens naturally. It is easy to be with him, because he is easy to talk to. He makes me comfortable. Happy. It feels very normal. The timing probably couldn't be worse but despite all that it works. I am busy but I make time for him when I can. And we both know that we have some sort of deadline when I leave in a few months which sucks. We are aware of it but tend to joke it off. Not really talking about it. But to be fair we have only been together for just over a week. It's months away so it isn't something to worry about too much yet. We might even break up before then.

So here are some things I have had to get used to in the last week.

1. I am not allowed to flirt with other people. For a natural flirt it is kind of hard. Not that I want to or anything. It kind of just happens so I need to stop.

2. I actually have a social life now. We regularly meet up, get food. Hang out. So I am no longer spending all my time in my room on my computer.

3. I don't have to feel guilty every time I get with him. I may have not been in a relationship before but I'm not a nun. I have kissed people. But Im pretty much always drunk, and it's always a one night thing, making me feel guilty. But now I just feel happy. Happy that I have no reason to feel guilty.

4. I always have someone to talk to. About basically anything. Someone who actually cares. Sure I have friends but this is nicer somehow. More meaningful.

5. Relationships change over time. There are stages. The was the jokey flirty stage. The not knowing where it was going stage. The just getting together and telling everyone stage. And I guess now it feels more real. The actually being together, knowing each other a lot better. Just being able to talk and laugh about anything together. And I can already tell that each day gets a little more serious and feelings develop a little more each day.

So there you go. A little bit of an update.

-Random Girl xxx

Saturday 16 January 2016

First Boyfriend

So last night was a pretty eventful night for me. I may have mentioned a few times on and off about a guy from work. He got into a car crash and broke his collar bone. I texted him basically telling him he was an idiot for rolling his car, whilst also checking to see if he is okay. We basically never stopped talking since then. We text, call and Skype everyday whilst he was stuck at home in pain. Then when he was finally a bit better, we met up at the pub where we both work last night. We basically talked, drank and then kissed, before basically asking me to be his girlfriend. Obviously I said yes. Sorry I am not very good at talking about this stuff. He then went on to tell everyone at work so most people know already. It was kind of sweet though that we had our first kiss, first date and got together in the same place we met. Kind of sucks that we work there though.

For someone who has never been in a relationship before, this whole thing is still weird to me. I'm happy though. The timing sucks though. Next month I have mocks, then a few months after I have my actual exams and then i'm leaving. Going travelling before University. I think we both know it will end in a few months. I just hope it will be easier to accept when the time comes.

So there is a little update on my love life. Any advice?

- Random Girl xxx

Monday 11 January 2016


Oh my god, I am way to excited. Just found out I got offered a place at every university I applied to! I mean sure some of them aren't exactly hard to get into but for me this is huge! It is slowly starting to get more real that I am actually going somewhere in 8 months. It will be a whole new life. And now I have five options as to where I want to go. Now I am at the stage where I am going to have to worry about student loans, and accommodation. And reply to all of them. It is getting scarier and scarier as I go through each step but also just as exciting too. But sometimes I worry about how I am going to cope away from home, when there will be people I am leaving behind. My family. We have always been extremely close, and I almost think it will be harder for my mum than for me to see me go. Yet I can't wait. Well I say that, and part of it is true. But another thing that is changing is that the closer I get to my future, the more attached I am becoming to things at home. The people, my job, even the school. (It's a miracle, I know). It just makes it that much harder for me when I have to leave. But at least it will always be here for me to come back to.

- Random Girl xxx

Saturday 9 January 2016

A Random Work Day

Hey, so I have decided to tell you how my shift at work usually goes. I work at the local pub as a waitress and it can sometimes be a little... strange. I will basically describe how my shift at work today went. Well, first I went in at about 11:30 am which I hate, because I am completely and utterly useless in the morning. I am pretty sure I spent the first two hours walking around and drinking water. Plus pretending to clean stuff. I then found a poster full of kiddie animal stickers which were named after some of the staff members. Then we spent the rest of the morning trying to stop the ceiling from leaking, and put a bunch of containers all over the floor because it was practically raining inside.

Then a lot of the shift was spent talking about this guy from work who idiotically crashed his car, But what they don't know is that I have spoken to him non-stop since. Even skyped a few times. Before the crash we flirted a bit but we weren't really that close. So when they talked about him I didn't really know what to say cause they don't know that I talk to him. So I just chose not to comment, whilst sneakily texting him throughout the shift about what people have said about him. Even fitted in a short Skype call during my break ;) At least until we got caught by one of the chefs who looked at us really weirdly.

It was a little slow, so nothing very dramatic. The boys made weird bird noises and asked all the girls if they will have their babies. We met a local celebrity who is meant to be very famous but I didn't have a clue who he was when I served him.

So that was pretty much it for today. It rained indoors, met a celebrity and avoided the boys craziness.

Wish me luck for tomorrow!

- Random Girl xxx

Friday 8 January 2016

The Kingdom of Boredom

You know that saying, "time flies when you are having fun"? Well, time has been going dead slow the last few days. It's funny because since September, life was flying by very quickly and before I knew it, a term had gone. And now each minute ticks by painfully slow. What feels like fifteen minutes is usually about two. I have been back at school for two days but I don't think thats the reason. It seems like I am always counting down the time lately. I'm either waiting for a TV show to start, a lesson to end, that one person to reply to my message. So I try to keep busy so time will move faster but that seems to be failing. I feel like I am stuck in some never ending slow motion life, when all I want to do is fast forward time a little bit. I guess being alone hasn't helped my boredom. My friends all went back to uni this week, and I have distanced myself from the ones I made at school. Why I did that? I don't really know but I don't really regret it. But that is a story for another time.

So I am pathetic and alone on a Friday night with nothing to do. And I am annoyed at myself for not planning something. I have work in the morning so I wouldn't have been able to go out anyway, but it still sucks. Even my family are busy. My parents are out and my brother is chatting to his friends on his playstation. Wow, life really is pathetic when your brother has a more active social life than you do.

Anyway, there you have it. My boring, sucky thoughts. Anyone else feeling like this right now?

- A very bored Random Girl xxx

P.S if you are a regular reader, please comment every so often. Would be great to get some feedback! :)

Thursday 7 January 2016

Arrow Review Season 1-3

*Warning: Contains Spoilers

So I started watching this over the Christmas holidays because my brother kept going on about it for years, telling me to watch it. Honestly, I thought it would be some sort of normal boy action tv series that I wouldn't be interested in seeing. Of course I am a girl, so I am more interested in drama with a bit of sideline romance. But I was pleasantly surprised when I started watching it. Actually thats an understatement. I have binge watched the first three seasons within two weeks, and that was with my busy work schedule and holiday events. 

For those of you who haven't heard of Arrow, here is a description I found on IMDB.

Spoiled billionaire playboy Oliver Queen is missing and presumed dead when his yacht is lost at sea. He returns five years later a changed man, determined to clean up the city as a hooded vigilante armed with a bow.

There is a lot more depth to the story than your classic super hero which intrigued me. He had been tortured, learnt new skills he never thought he would need, and escaped death numerous of times over the five years. All things that changed who is was as a person. And bit my bit though flashbacks we uncover layers of him as they show his past. Of course, there is also a bit of defeating the bad guys in the present. But there was also not only Oliver adapting from "coming back from the dead", but his family and friends too. And they all had a past and change they went through in the past five years too. His mother got involved with the bad guys, his sister got caught up in drugs, his best friend fell in love with his ex-girlfriend and she herself had to deal with the death of her sister, the split of her parents and her dad's alcohol problem.

There was romance too. First Oliver had to accept his ex-girlfriend was in love with his best friend. Then he fell in love with a women who he accidentally turned into a bad guy, only after revenge for the death of her fiancé by killing her father. Then after the death of his best friend, he attempted to get back with his ex, Laurel, but they felt too guilty. Then there was a women who nearly died. So he wasn't very lucky in love. But then right in front of him all this time was his accomplice, IT Tech Geek, Felicity Smoak. Who he finally realised his love for, when it was almost too late. There was also a romance between Oliver's sister, Thea and this guy Roy, who the Arrow/Oliver saves. He then ends up helping Oliver defeat the bad guys and is in a relationship with Thea.

So basically even all the sideline characters have drama. And real problems, not something stupid like, "this boy doesn't like me back", or "oh,  I cheated on someone." They have deep emotional problems, dealing with loss of friends and family, substance abuse and lose of identity.

I think Arrow is almost more about the deep stuff than a guy dressed in a hood, running around, shooting bad guys with arrows. And for any girls who still aren't persuaded to watch, Oliver is freaking hot too. That is a good enough reason alone to watch. (Many shirtless scenes.)

So that is my rough review of Arrow. If you haven't already, please watch. You will get hooked.

- Random Girl xx

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Just My Luck

Hey everyone! Look! I have actually been posting stuff lately! So today I am going to talk about crushes. You see, I am a strange person. I don't really get crushes or feelings. Like ever. I am the kind of person who if on holiday, I may see a particular guy I find attractive and keep and eye out for or something but never beyond that. And it takes me forever to realise I am into a person. Then, a few days after my sudden realisation, I get bored of them and move on.

But this time it is slightly different. So I met this guy. And I have no idea what my feelings are, and if I really even have any at all. But I think I like him as more than a friend. And that doesn't mean I want to be in a relationship with him but at least friends is nice. Sure, we flirt a lot but I am one of those natural flirts who sorts of does that with everyone without realising. But for once, whatever I am feeling hasn't gone away. In fact the more we talk the worse it gets.

And then with my luck, guess what happens next. He gets into a freaking car accident. Similar to the one I was in a few months ago, but a little bit more serious. He broke his collar bone and now we won't see each other for weeks. On the bright side, we talk on Facebook now ;)

So anyway, there is a little insight to how my feelings work. Anyone else like this?

- A very confused Random Girl xxx

Monday 4 January 2016

Uni Offers!

I am so excited! Just found out that I got an offer from my favourite university! Well there and another one. So I have three out of five offers so far. Pretty good for a girl who sucks at school. Step one has been a success. Next Step, Pass my exams! Now that will be more of a challenge, but now I at least have something to work towards. So wish me luck everyone!

- A very excited Random Girl xxx

Sunday 3 January 2016

Random Games

Hey, so over the holidays I was very busy and for some reason I spent most of my time playing computer games. I am such a loser. I know. To be fair I did go to a lot of parties and went out too. I do have a bit of a social life. Plus I had work too. Anyway, for this post I decided to write about three games I played this holidays and what I liked about them or not.

Plants V.S Zombies-

Who hasn't played this game at some point in their lives? It is extremely addicting. I mean who doesn't love killing Zombies by using plants with super powers?

Description- Plants that shoot things defend me from Zombies trying to break into my house and eat my brains.

Why do I like it?- Plants become super heroes and there is a drunk guy called Dave. Need I say more?

What do I not like?- Gets a little boring after a while. Having to wait for suns to grow is irritating.

Civilisation V-

Only discovered this like a week ago and already logged in like 50 hours and I have been very busy. So basically spend all my free time on it.

Description- Build things, make armies and take over the world with your empire.

Why do I like it?- How many games can you first destroy the American empire with arrows and then 5000 years later take over Russia with Atomic bombs. I love hour you start somewhere in 5000 BC with almost nothing and end up taking most of the world with future tech and rocket ships. (Currently in the year 2077 AD)

What do I not like?- Feels a little slow. Gandhi keeps denouncing me which makes me feel sad.

The Sims 4-

So little confession to make. I have all of the Sims games. ALL OF THEM. Everything from the original The Sims to The Sims 4: Get Together expansion pack. I got kind of obsessed since I was like 9 years old. So half my life. Haven't played it that much lately but I still play it every so often when I find that I have too much free time in my life and my social life is non-existent.

Description- A game where you control peoples lives. So their relationships, families, careers, house and so on.

Why do I like it?- It is basically an excuse to make the life you wish you could have or live any life over and over through something as simple as a game. More entertaining when your own life gets boring which is basically when I play it.

What do I not like?- Gets boring after a while when you realise that your own life is more important and you are wasting it on a game.

So there you have it. Who else has played any of these games and what did you think of them?

- Random Girl xxx

Saturday 2 January 2016


Reached 1000 views today! May not be a huge amount but it is amazing for me! Thanks for reading and sorry I am so pathetic at updating.

-Random Girl xxx

Welcome to 2016!

Oh look, I am back. Again, sorry for being life. But writing something eventually is what counts, right? As everyone knows, the new year has begun. And it is the best time to think about all the crappy and amazing things that happened in the past year and what is to come for the new year.

For my 2015, I started out depressed and bored. Fed up of being in pain from my surgery and not being able to go out anywhere, missing parties that all my friends were having. Instead I was stuck at home, basically begging anyone, to spend time with me. I was grumpy and whiny all the time so obviously my family had a good reason to keep away. And then of course, I started this blog by the end of January. Finally having someone to talk to, even if I didn't have someone talking to me, I could express my feelings to them. Then my year gradually improved, I had a great time with my friends, an awesome summer, passed all my exams, I could even walk, almost like a normal person. Then it kind of went down hill a little. My friends all left me behind to go to university, leaving me with the year below. A bunch of people I barely knew. And then it got better, I made some friends, went to parties, survived a car crash (don't know if that is considered good or bad) and so on. Life was pretty normal. Then the stupid drunken text incident happened. (Read about it in one of my posts if you want to know more.) We have all been there. Sending that one person a meaningless text that gets misread and then spread everywhere until before you know it everyone in the school hates you. Or at least that is what happened to me. And except for the occasional joke here and there, that has finally calmed down too. Then approaching the end of the year I begun to fight with my parents quite a bit. It is a long story that involves mum hating my best friends mum and not wanting me to hang out with my best friend anymore. Of course, I refused. But you don't need to know the whole story. (I mean if you want to I will tell you another time, just comment to let me know.)  But that is better now. I went back to work. Finally. Met some great people, I am actually starting to really like work now. But that is probably because of a particular person if you know what I mean. *Insert winky face here*. Then of course, who doesn't love christmas and then the big finale. New Years Eve! And I had an amazing start to the new year. *Insert wink face here. Again.* And even made some new friends.

So yes, a very rollercoastery year. At least my lateness in posting was consistent! So what happens next year for 2016? Let's make a prediction. I am gonna write one thing for each month of what I think will happen, and this time next year I will go over that list and see how accurate my prediction skills are.

January- Boy Drama. Not sure of what kind. Friendship or other, but I reckon boys are gonna be stressing me out a lot this month.

February- Of course there is my 19th Birthday. But that isn't a prediction of course. And there is mock exams. Again, I already know that. Hopefully, I will have passed my driving test by then? Maybe. And hopefully pass my exams.

March- Something new will happen. A new hobby, a new friend, maybe even a relationship (though I doubt it.) Something will change, even if only temporarily.

April- Hopefully by then it will be sunny. Maybe I will start running? Haha. Yeah, right. I can always dream though. Right?

May- Exam time! One of two things will happen. I will either be way to stressed or way to calm. I am going to go with calm as my prediction. Stress will probably come in later.

June- Finishing off exams. Will be bittersweet. I will be excited to be done with school, but I know I will feel sad about leaving. I am quite a sentimental person. So a lot of goodbyes.

July- If I do manage to raise the money I need then I should be somewhere in the U.S by then. Yes, American readers, I am invading your country. You have been warned! And Canada too! Let's not forget about you guys. (If I have any Canadian readers, of course).

August- This will be the end of my travelling. I will probably be very stressed about exam results and getting into University. Then I will be busy preparing to leave and sad about leaving my parents. Probably involves a whole lot of crying.

September- University! And what comes with starting uni? FRESHERS WEEK! So basically I will be drunk most the time. Making friends and maybe a few who are more than that. You get me?

October- Homesickness. Maybe some sort of other drama in the mix. Boy drama. Friend drama. Family drama. Something along those lines.

November- Christmas is approaching! Lots of lights, got chocolates. Maybe someone, to cuddle up with to keep warm. Then again, probably not. That doesn't sound like me. But I could be a whole different person by then.

December- The end of the year. Of course there is the holidays. Will probably be working at the local pub. Just happy to see my old friends. So basically, happy. And who doesn't love the extra Christmas and New Years parties?

And there you have it. Last year and this one rolled into one. Hopefully, I will be a better blogger, but that probably isn't realistic. I hope you all have an amazing year. Also, making this list was quite funny for me, so maybe you should try it. Write it down somewhere and look at it next year and see how close you were.

- Random Girl xxxx