Sunday 24 April 2016

What is Sci-Fi?

So this is a very random topic. But then again, random is what I am all about. So why am I talking about Sci-Fi? Well that would be because, as some of you know, I write stories on Wattpad. Less than I used to because my time is now being taken up by dreaded exams, fussy parents with high expectations and an amazing boyfriend who helps me forget about the former two. Anyway, me and a very good friend have been talking about co-writing a book for ages. And now we are finally brainstorming ideas. Though we probably won't write until the start of summer. We both want to write something completely different to our normal teen fiction high school stories. So we decided to write a Sci-fi story. But then I asked her. What is Sci-fi? Like I have a rough idea through books, movies and TV shows but what actually counts as a Sci-fi story? My friend responds with anything that is set in space. But I decided to do some research and find out some more info.

Obviously I know Sci-fi stands for Science Fiction. But really what is scientific about aliens? Because as far as I know. We haven't discovered anything alien yet. By the way if you are wondering if I believe in aliens, then yeah I guess I kind of do. Not weird green creatures with big black eyes flying around in a frisbee shaped UFO, but I just can't believe that there isn't some sort of life that exists somewhere other than this planet. Okay, now I have gone off topic. Again. 

Science Fiction is defined as a genre of speculative fiction dealing with imaginative concepts such as futuristic science and technology, space travel, time travel, faster than life travel, parallel universes and extraterrestrial life. So I guess it is a lot more than just aliens. After further research I found out it is called "Science" fiction because they are stories that are intended to have a science-based fact or theory connected to it. But I think they have gone a little off the science topic with some of these.

Then I found out there are a bunch of subgenres related to Sci-Fi too. 

  • There is Cyberpunk. Apparently is emerged in the early 1980s. Combining cybernetics with punk. How the hell that works? I dunno. I never even heard pf the word cybernetics let alone understand what it means. I also don't really understand where the punk part comes in. I think it has to do with technology and AI's (artificial intelligence). 
  • Time travel is probably one of the most popular ones. There is obviously Doctor Who and Back to the Future. Two very different but amazing classics. I don't really need to explain the concept of what this is to you, but I definitely recommend you watch Back to the Future if you haven't already.
  • Alternate History. I would have thought this goes under the time travel subgenre but apparently this is more specific than that. This is only based on going back to the past to change the events of the future.
  • Military science fiction is another subgenre which I didn't know was a thing. I kind of just pictured the military when I read the title but its not just about national conflict but can be interplanetary or interstellar conflict too. So basically space war? I think thats a better title.
  • Superhuman, I would say is the most popular and well known subgenre. It is defines as stories that deal with the emergence of humans who have abilities beyond the norm. So basically superheroes? 
  • Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic. Now that just sounds extremely depressing. This is when there is a concern with the end of civilisation through war, pandemic, astronomic impact, ecological disaster or some other disaster. This is kind of split into two topics. Apocalyptic is about the disaster and the immediate aftermath and Post-apocalyptic is basically just the aftermath ranging from the event to hundreds of years after.
  • Space Opera. Is it bad that I just think of Phantom of the Opera when I read that? It is actually apparently adventure science fiction set mainly or entirely in outer space or on multiple planets. So the most popular movie (or movies) that fit under this category is Star Wars. Need I say more?
  • Space Western. Okay, I can not be the only one who pictured a classic cowboy riding a horse in space. Just me? Whoops. Guess I really am weird. I don't really understand this subgenre so here is a copy and pasted explanation from wikipedia-The space Western transposes themes of American Western books and films to a backdrop of futuristic space frontiers. These stories typically involve colony worlds that have only recently been terraformed and/or settled serving as stand-ins for the backdrop of lawlessness and economic expansion that were predominant in the American west. Do you get it? Cause if you do could you please comment and explain it to me?
  • Social science fiction focuses on themes of society and human nature. That was kind of vague.
  • Climate Fiction is to do with climate change. Bg surprise. Usually set in either the present or the future, but sometimes the past.
  • Maritime science fiction (okay these names are unoriginal) is basically about the ocean. There is maritime technoligy and sea monsters involved too. This is starting to seem less and less like science fiction to me. Anyone agree?
  • Biopunk is the last one. Okay thats a lie. There is more than that but they are tiny subgenres and I can't be bothered to read about them because it is late and I'm tired. This is to do with change of the human body and engineering humans for specific purposes. Cloning, cyborgs? I don't really know what counts.
So that is basically it. All the stuff that goes into Sci-Fi. I guess it covers a lot more than just spaceships and aliens. Good to know. Only problem now is trying to decide which sub topic to write about is going to take me FOREVER. Oh well. Good thing I have a lot of time before I actually start writing. Was this useful to anyone? If not at least it helped me.

-Random Girl xxx

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