Saturday 2 January 2016

Welcome to 2016!

Oh look, I am back. Again, sorry for being life. But writing something eventually is what counts, right? As everyone knows, the new year has begun. And it is the best time to think about all the crappy and amazing things that happened in the past year and what is to come for the new year.

For my 2015, I started out depressed and bored. Fed up of being in pain from my surgery and not being able to go out anywhere, missing parties that all my friends were having. Instead I was stuck at home, basically begging anyone, to spend time with me. I was grumpy and whiny all the time so obviously my family had a good reason to keep away. And then of course, I started this blog by the end of January. Finally having someone to talk to, even if I didn't have someone talking to me, I could express my feelings to them. Then my year gradually improved, I had a great time with my friends, an awesome summer, passed all my exams, I could even walk, almost like a normal person. Then it kind of went down hill a little. My friends all left me behind to go to university, leaving me with the year below. A bunch of people I barely knew. And then it got better, I made some friends, went to parties, survived a car crash (don't know if that is considered good or bad) and so on. Life was pretty normal. Then the stupid drunken text incident happened. (Read about it in one of my posts if you want to know more.) We have all been there. Sending that one person a meaningless text that gets misread and then spread everywhere until before you know it everyone in the school hates you. Or at least that is what happened to me. And except for the occasional joke here and there, that has finally calmed down too. Then approaching the end of the year I begun to fight with my parents quite a bit. It is a long story that involves mum hating my best friends mum and not wanting me to hang out with my best friend anymore. Of course, I refused. But you don't need to know the whole story. (I mean if you want to I will tell you another time, just comment to let me know.)  But that is better now. I went back to work. Finally. Met some great people, I am actually starting to really like work now. But that is probably because of a particular person if you know what I mean. *Insert winky face here*. Then of course, who doesn't love christmas and then the big finale. New Years Eve! And I had an amazing start to the new year. *Insert wink face here. Again.* And even made some new friends.

So yes, a very rollercoastery year. At least my lateness in posting was consistent! So what happens next year for 2016? Let's make a prediction. I am gonna write one thing for each month of what I think will happen, and this time next year I will go over that list and see how accurate my prediction skills are.

January- Boy Drama. Not sure of what kind. Friendship or other, but I reckon boys are gonna be stressing me out a lot this month.

February- Of course there is my 19th Birthday. But that isn't a prediction of course. And there is mock exams. Again, I already know that. Hopefully, I will have passed my driving test by then? Maybe. And hopefully pass my exams.

March- Something new will happen. A new hobby, a new friend, maybe even a relationship (though I doubt it.) Something will change, even if only temporarily.

April- Hopefully by then it will be sunny. Maybe I will start running? Haha. Yeah, right. I can always dream though. Right?

May- Exam time! One of two things will happen. I will either be way to stressed or way to calm. I am going to go with calm as my prediction. Stress will probably come in later.

June- Finishing off exams. Will be bittersweet. I will be excited to be done with school, but I know I will feel sad about leaving. I am quite a sentimental person. So a lot of goodbyes.

July- If I do manage to raise the money I need then I should be somewhere in the U.S by then. Yes, American readers, I am invading your country. You have been warned! And Canada too! Let's not forget about you guys. (If I have any Canadian readers, of course).

August- This will be the end of my travelling. I will probably be very stressed about exam results and getting into University. Then I will be busy preparing to leave and sad about leaving my parents. Probably involves a whole lot of crying.

September- University! And what comes with starting uni? FRESHERS WEEK! So basically I will be drunk most the time. Making friends and maybe a few who are more than that. You get me?

October- Homesickness. Maybe some sort of other drama in the mix. Boy drama. Friend drama. Family drama. Something along those lines.

November- Christmas is approaching! Lots of lights, got chocolates. Maybe someone, to cuddle up with to keep warm. Then again, probably not. That doesn't sound like me. But I could be a whole different person by then.

December- The end of the year. Of course there is the holidays. Will probably be working at the local pub. Just happy to see my old friends. So basically, happy. And who doesn't love the extra Christmas and New Years parties?

And there you have it. Last year and this one rolled into one. Hopefully, I will be a better blogger, but that probably isn't realistic. I hope you all have an amazing year. Also, making this list was quite funny for me, so maybe you should try it. Write it down somewhere and look at it next year and see how close you were.

- Random Girl xxxx

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