Friday 28 October 2016

University Week 5 (first month)

Hey everyone! So uni has been interesting to say the least. Most of it good and some of it bad. So for those of you who haven't been at uni, this what the first few weeks are like. Or at least for me.

When I first arrived, I found it really easy. There is just some sort of confidence in knowing that everyone is exactly like you,  not knowing anyone. It's easy to just go up to people and start talking because you know they don't really have anyone else to talk to anyway. The first night I just went out with my flatmates and got to know them. Then one day I decided to randomly explore my accommodation and try and meet people, convincing the rest of my flatmates to come with. That's when we met the flat directly below us and we have all been friends since. Our two flats plus a few extras now get together regularly for pres or to hang out.

So finding friends where I live was easy. What I didn't expect to be difficult was finding course friends. I have two of my flatmates with me for my business half but when it comes to the media half I haven't really met anyone I like. By the time actual lectures started everyone already had their friends and that confidence was gone. It became a lot harder to talk to people and when you did there was no expectation of being friends. I still hope that I might make some eventually.

What else should I mention? The work?
Well that has been pretty damn boring. I either don't understand it at all or I already know it. Lectures have because pointless thanks to the Internet and having all the information on the Internet. It's especially hard when you have lectures from 9am to 7pm an hour away from where you live every Monday. I usually pick one or two things to go to.
Readings and assignments have been okay so far. Even without turning up to the lectures. However that doesn't stop the whole new kind of dread for Mondays.

Because of my horrific Monday's I have the rest of the week free except two hours on Thursday mornings. So that's a plus. What do I do in all this time? Well there always seems to be something to do. Laundry, cleaning the bathroom, the bedroom, the kitchen, uni work, shopping for food, cooking three meals a day, talking to flatmates, skyping old friends, visits or visiting my boyfriend, or going to London like I am right now :) Oh and let's not forget Netflix. There is always something to do or somewhere to be. Uni is busy.

So that's my first month of uni. Anyone else have stories to share or questions to ask?

-Random Girl x

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