Friday 24 June 2016

UK Breaks up with the EU. Big Mistake?

So my country is completely and utterly stupid. What the hell is wrong with people? People chose to leave because they were stuck up and selfish not wanting to follow "EU" rules. Do they even realise that now we have to follow their laws but without any control over decisions being made? For years! So we have even less control that we did before. The value of the pound has dropped, making our money worth nothing anywhere else. Which is really stupid as we have a trade deficit which means we import more than we export. My friends who work in foreign businesses will lose their jobs as the businesses leave the UK. And some of my very good friends who are practically family are from other countries in the EU. What will happen to them? If it was up to the younger people in the country this wouldn't be happening. And we are the ones who are going to live with this in the long term. I mean how hard is it going to be to get a job now? It is just a bunch of older people who were too selfish to think about future generations.

Anyway thats my little rant over. What do you guys think?

-Random Girl xx

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