Friday 30 June 2017

End of 1st Year

Sorry it has been so long. In my defence I was very busy with final assignments, exams, moving and work. On the bright side I got a 2:1 this year and an A in my accounting and finance exam :) 

So what is happening? Honestly not a lot. I'm trying to work hard and save money for next year but this week my shifts keep getting cancelled so I'm not earning any money. Which is really annoying me. You would think I would be happy with the free time but I'm just so bored. And I want money :p at least I have a second job soon but it's only 10 hours a week. At this rate I'm gonna need a third job that isn't affected so much by the weather. 

I'm still happy in a relationship. There was a rocky three days but things are improving and have been making up a lot ;) 

So I think what I need is a hobby. I used to love writing but I now struggle to come up with anything. Which is annoying because it would be the perfect thing to do with my alone time and I found out about a publishing company but would either need to "spice up" my old stuff or write something you. But can't think of anything to write. 

What else... My grandma and aunt are visiting. I love them but they are driving me a little crazy. They just don't leave you alone. And they took my newly finished room so I'm stuck in the spare room on a rock hard bed so I haven't slept in 4 days. 

I also visited my old school with my best friend because we got invited to talk to my brothers year about university. Which led to her and all my old teachers deciding that I should be a teacher. Which I am actually considering. But I would probably do it like 5-10 years after I graduate. 

So now I'm just chilling in bed yet again trying to work out how I am going to spend my day instead of working. 

Any suggestions?

-Random Girl xx

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