Monday 23 October 2017

Bartending (The Pros and Cons)

Heya guys! So recently I started working in a club a couple times a week. And it has been eventful. I had all these worries about working late nights and excitements at the same time. So for anyone who is considering working in a club then here are some pros and cons that I have noticed over the last two weeks. P.S These won't apply to everyone, just based off personal opinion.


1. Skipping Queues- Probably can get away with never queuing again to get into the club :)

2. Personal Bodyguards- Okay not quite, but befriending the bouncers is a good idea to make you feel safer. Plus as scary as they look they are usually really friendly.

3. Discounts on drinks- I assume? I mean I haven't bought any yet but we will see. I know that we can buy a whole bottle of something, really cheaply, on Saturdays though.

4. Good music- Not many jobs out there where you can listen to music the whole shift.

5. Info- Knowing the best rooms, fastest queuing bars, cleanest toilets etc can be handy.

6. Power- Sometimes you can yell at people. Its fun :) was helping out in the cloakroom and got to yell at people for not having their ticket to redeem their jackets. Funny watching confused , angry drunk people get frustrated but can't do anything.

7. New Friends- Though this applies everywhere really.

8. Free Days- Because shifts start so late, you have the whole day free to do uni work, go to lectures, hang with your friends etc.

9. Safety- The bar and the bouncers will protect you.

10. Fun- There is a constant stream of entertainment from drunk people, or can do some dancing behind the bar. Generally always enjoying myself.


1. Late Hours- Despite the free days, you do have to work till like 3am and if you have a 9am the next day you might as well not bother thinking of going in.

2. Transport- Due to late hours, it is very difficult to get home without a car. Especially on a Saturday night where you finish very late and is basically Sunday morning so there are barely any buses running.

3. Hot- It can get fun and you can't escape the bar but its okay. Just deal with it and move on.

4. Can't get drunk- Every so often you get jealous that everyone can dance and drink and you can't, but at least you won't be waking up with a hangover the next day.

5. Attention- Unwanted attention may I add. I got asked out by 5 guys in one night and physically harassed by two. Being Surrounded by drunk guys that you are forced to talk puts more attention on yourself than you would normally have.

6. The Smell- Its gross. But again you get over it.

7. Foreign People- I am not trying to be mean. I mean technically my mum is foreign so I'm not trying to discriminate. I specifically mean those who don't speak english and get angry at you for misunderstanding the order. If you can't speak english well then fair enough but if I show you a bottle of something and you nod to it, and then two seconds look at me like what is this (right after I have shown you) then this is not my fault. Don't get angry at me.

8. Bar Lurkers- The people who stand in front of the bar but don't order anything. Just MOVE. Please. If you don't want a drink go somewhere else, all you do is block the people who do want a drink and prevent me from doing my job.

9. It's loud- But I don't mind loud so not really a con for me.

10. Smelling gross at the end of the night- By the end you might smell like alcohol and sweat (not in the good way, if there is one?) but a nice hot shower before bed will fix that :)

Anyway there are my pro and cons. Anyone agree or disagree?

-Random Girl xx

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