Tuesday 10 March 2015

My Dramatic first night out!

Hey Guys! I'm really sorry I abandoned my blog for a bit. Been super busy with school ect.. Anyway as you can see by the title I am gonna tell you guys about what happened when I went out for the first time ever on Saturday.

So there is this guy from school whose birthday is the week after mine and EVERYONE in sixth form (last two years of school) were going out to celebrate it. No one cares about my birthday that much :( Anyway so me and my friend Ally got ready at mine and planned on getting a lift with my neighbor Willem and his mum as they were also going out that night. Now in case you didn't read one of my earliest posts (which is understandable as I don't really expect anyone to read EVERY post) you would know that Willem is an annoying neighbor who is my age and goes to my school. He also told everyone that my parents were drug dealers. He also randomly turned up at my house on Christmas cause he got bored at his, and his mum has for some reason hated mine ever since. Don't ask me why cause I honesty have no idea why. And just to make this car journey even more awkward not that long ago Ally and Willem decided to make out and have sort of hated each other since. I don't get that either. Who would want to make out with him???? This is also the first time I have ever seen him drive and lets just say it was a miracle that he managed to get us there alive,

So then me and Ally go to Tesco to buy more alcohol (btw we had been drinking since 5pm, so about 3 hours before). As we were going to pay we also bumped into the school Rev whilst we were holding a bottle of vodka. That was even more awkward than the car journey. Especially as he chose this moment to start talking to us.

We then left to go and meet up with a friend and continue drinking. Now I must admit I don't remember much of this part of the night but I remember calling another friend to come and meet us, going to Subway and meeting these random two guys (one of which was having girlfriend problems). We then finally went inside to a bar, where me and Ally managed to sneak our under age friends into, and met up with some of the guys including the birthday boy. We then leave to go to a club when we see one of they guys' friend who is very drunk outside throwing up everywhere. There is this really hot random guy there who was making sure he was okay. Now I was still pretty drunk when this part happened but I just remember talking to this guy for a while outside and then realise that my friend has disappeared. When I eventually find her, all the others are gone, He is with the drunk guy and is calling an ambulance cause he got ditched and is passed out. Told you it was a dramatic night! So a while after that is kind of boring but he basically gets taken away to the boarding house where he lives and me and Ally go to the next club. Cause at the end of the day he is not our friend and there was nothing more we could do.

To continue, I moved on to the next club with a very annoyed Ally as her sort of boyfriend is friends with the drunk guy and ditched him. So I then announce that we need more shots (bad idea). At the last club, everyone from school is there and we are all having a great time!

At home everything took a turn for the worse and me and Ally ended up throwing up and feeling like S**t the next day. Turns out I was ill anyway which is why I am now at home, missing school and blogging instead!

So I am going to go and watch some movies now and play The Sims 4! If any of you have any interesting stories about your nights out let me know! would love to hear them! Also one piece of advice, don't have a shot everytime you feel awkward or bored. They are gonna add up eventually and it will sooooo not be worth it!

- Random Girl xxx

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