Tuesday 27 January 2015

A Random School Day

Hey Everyone! Or nobody.. I'm not sure if anyone will bother to read this but I like to think that at least one person is, so this is for them.

So school. Everyone has to go through it at some stage but now I just can't wait for it to be over. I mean when are we really going to need to use half the stuff. Why do I need to know that the population of Somalia is 10, 251, 568? (And yes I did have to look that up again cause why the hell should I be able to remember that??) 

This summer I was so excited that I was finally entering my last year of school. We would be the oldest year, with our friends as leaders of all the clubs and as head boy and girl. We would have to most respect because we survived. But no. You want to know what happened?? I had to REPEAT THE YEAR!!! I was this close and then it all got ruined because I may have failed one too many exams.. okay that's a lie.. I failed them all. But still.. It's not my fault I suck at exams! Now all my friends are leaving me behind and I have to suffer though it all again. I'm also in a year that for some reason hate me.. I have a sneaky suspicion that it is because Willem (my neighbour who is in this year) told everyone that my parents are drug dealers! ( That's not true by the way in case that wasn't obvious)

So here is a bit about my sucky day at school. Today we have assembly, where we have to sit in a big freezing sports hall with the whole school whilst the headmaster drones on and on about something.. Not sure what cause I was paying attention. You just have to make sure that you clap on time and no one cares. The only good thing was that because we are the oldest (or second oldest I guess) we get to sit in the back. This means that we are all paying attention to what is on our phone screens  than the heads speech about our schools 35th birthday. (By the way Happy Birthday School!) After a while I start to find if feel bad for the headmaster is is oblivious to everyone's texting, snapchatting and in my case blogging.

So after THAT torture is over I have to go to Geography with the lovely Mr Barnett. For your information he gives us a test EVERY LESSON!! Yes. Every single one. So today of course we have a test. And if course I missed the lesson before and have no idea what it is about. So i just guess all the figures about Energy or whatever it was on. Let's just say it did not go well. Okay I got 1 out of 20. But again not my fault.

So after that disaster I had to go to learning support. For those of you who don't know what that is, it is basically extra lessons for dumb people. I mean I had to read about how to look after pet rats! I mean who the hell would want a rat around long enought to feed it and buy it a cage. They are just creepy and disturbing. This is why I have cats instead. They are cute and they kill the rats. 

Then I had a free period which instead of spending my time finishing my economics homework which was due last week (wow I sound like a awful student. maybe that's why I failed??) I am sitting in the school library ignoring everyone around me whilst I start writing this post for you guys. Or nobody. We will see. And obviously no one around seems to care that I had been typing my phone for 15 mins and no one asks why. Which is good. Because no one knows about this blog. And I like it that way. It allows me to be completely honest and talk about whoever I want without people hating me for it.

Now don't even get me started on what happened in Economics. My teacher Tom ditched us for a hockey match. Yes I did call him by his first name. That would be because he had been going out with my bestfriends mum for a year and I helped him get the job at my school. Well that was a stupid idea! He just gave us a quadrillion questions that HAD to be finished by the end of the lesson, and we weren't allowed to talk or check are book. But according to him it's NOT a test! Even though you have to be silent and not allowed to use your book. So once he left, what did we all do? We do what any bunch if teachers do? We talked and cheated our way through the hour. So for anyone who knows someone who is looking for a teaching job, don't reccomend then to your school. They may be nice at home but at school they could end up being a awful teacher that will probably help with lead you or failing your exams. Or in in my case, AGAIN. 

Anyway I think that is enough for now. I will leave you guys to continue with your lives. And for anyone who is at school today? Good luck! You going to need it!

-Random Girl xx

1 comment:

  1. I hate assemblies, being stuck inside a room with like a hundred other students and having to listen to someone go on and on and on. Assemblies are never about fun topics and then I had form time in which I had to learn about dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are completely no fun. School sucks sometimes.
