Saturday 7 February 2015

Confessions of a teenage alcoholic

Hey Guys! So today's post may not be great. And I am sorry about that, but I am still a little bit hungover from last nigh. Which brings me to today's topic. Alcohol. Every time I drink, something bad tends to happen. I either get a little too "friendly" or I end up blurting out secrets which cause people to hate me. I will give you guys a few examples.

So yesterday I found out that this guy likes my friend Sophie. And my friend Andrew who use to like Sophie is really good friends with this guy. Anyway, we were all at this party/social gathering, except for Sophie who wasn't allowed to go (poor Sophie). So I end up drinking a few too many shots with a group of guys including Andrew and the other guy and end up telling the whole group that this guy likes Sophie and basically that she didn't like him back. I also may have mentioned the fact that Andrew liked someone but that I didn't know who. So Sophie does not actually know any of this yet and she may just about kill me. Oh well.

Another time was a few months after this guy called Harry (who I will tell you guys more about another day...long story) who was my best friend had told me he liked me more than a friend. I kind of freaked out after that. (Pretty sure I am scarred for life and am now terrified of having male friends). Back to the point. So Basically he told me not to tell anyone cause we were in the same friendship group and he didn't want anything to get weird. Especially as one of my friends had a crush on him around the time. So I promised I wouldn't and had to act like everything was completely normal without telling anyone. You know how hard that is? I have the biggest mouth ever! I'm pretty sure that's part of the reason I failed my exams. I mean this was a guy who I told everything to. EVERYTHING! Including periods and guys. Yes that is a weird friendship. He use to freak out but he got use to it after hanging around girls long enough. Anyway, one night I had the group over at my house except for Harry who was away, and ended up telling EVERYONE that he liked me. Lets just say it got really awkward after that and I was very grateful that we had the summer to be apart. So that happened.

A couple weeks ago I was tutoring my bestfriend's brother in Spanish and I may or may not have created a drinking game that ended up with both of us getting very drunk, and me having to lie to his mother to get him to stay the night cause I was convinced he would die if he cycled home. So I spent the night having to look after him. Most stressful night ever!

One last example is that I may have met a guy at a camping/field party and became a little bit too "friendly" that night in the woods. Just so you guys don't think to badly of me we didn't do much. I don't want you people thinking I am a slut or something.

So I think that's enough judging me and confessions for today. And next time someone wants to tell you a secret, make sure you trust yourself to keep it when your drunk before you hear it. Otherwise there may be some awkward consequences and you will end up having to apologise to your trusting friends a lot. So I am gonna go and tell Sophie what happened last night before someone else will.

- A Hungover Random Girl xx

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