Wednesday 25 February 2015

Rumours, Exams and Birthday Surprises!

Hey everyone!!!! Sorry really excited as it is my 18th BIRTHDAY TODAY! So this is what has been going on in my life lately.

First off, Rumours. Now since the incident at the end of the Disneyland Trip (read part 2 if you haven't already otherwise this may not make sense!) there have been many rumours about me circulating around school. Now before I tell you what they are trust me when I say that none of them are true. I only tell you guys the truth, otherwise what would be the point in blogging if you are not completely honest. Especially as none of you know who I really am. Okay, so some people say that I was in a foursome, some say I had sex with a guy, others say things you guys don't even want to hear, and someone has even gone around saying I had sex in the Sports Hall!! Ewww. Now I have never done anything of these things. So I spent the first part of my birthday listening to people go on about the rumours ect. It wasn't that bad but was irritating as I was trying to revise which brings me to my next point, exams.

So exams suck. Today I had business studies which I finished an hour before the end. So I drew a tree instead. But it's okay cause I later found out that everyone finished early.

So I am then sitting in the car on the way home when we pull up at my house and sitting in my drive is the most gorgeous green car I have ever seen! I mean it's AMAZING and I instantly fell in love! So then I get changed and fix my makeup, whilst mum is making a fuss about how nice I need to look. We then head to the pub (like  2 second walk away where I work) to buy my first drink. Then when I walk through the door....... ALMOST EVERYONE I KNOW IS THERE!! even now hours later I am still in shock. All my neighbours, one of my closest friend out of school, my closest friend in school and my oldest friend who I have known forever are all there! along with the latinas and the kids I use to babysit. Literally EVERYONE!. Could not have been a more perfect surprise!! So we ate, and talked and drank..... a lot! To the point where I am finishing off this post slightly drunk... oh well..

So I have had the most amazing birthday ever!!! Will leave you guys be for now. Will post again soon... Night!x

-A very happy, slightly drunk Random Girl! xxxxxx

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