Saturday 11 April 2015

Midnight visit to the Doctor

Hey guys! So I am having an interesting night. I was at home, enjoying my dinner that my mum made, which was a nice change cause I've been having really bad headaches lately. So it's safe to say that I have been spending most of my time sleeping instead of revising.. Anyway, at dinner I was complaining about my ear which was annoying me cause it has been painful and itchy for weeks. Mum decided to have a look at my ear. Then she recoils in shock, as she apparently sees gross white stuff in my ear or something. Lovely..

So she rings 111 (for those non-British readers out there, it is like the emergancy number but not as extreme), and talks to some person for ages. Next thing I know I am being called into hospital immediately, even though it's almost midnight. I mean, I was about to go to bed and was already in my pjs. So then I got kind of freaked out cause they wanted to see me now instead of in the morning,even though the hospital is apparently at capacity, they said they were going to make room for me. So it was safe to say the I was really freaking out by then. 

I am then nervously sitting in the waiting room, which has an intense atmosphere, and people glaring at me. The bright fluorescent lighting which isn't helping the headache. It's then, that I notice the random hip hop music playing in the background. Not the kind of music I expected a 40-something year old receptionist to be listening to. The music hasn't helped either....I mean, where does she think she is? A Nightclub?

So now I am at home with ear drops in my ear. Turned out it was some wierd type of ear infection. Nothing to major. 

So that was my exciting night! Next time you go to doctor, make sure you don't mix it up with the nightclub! It will be the building with the really bright lights!

-Random Girl xx

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